James M. Haswell

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James M. Haswell [1]

a Baptist missionary, was born at Bennington, Vermont, February 4, 1810. He graduated from the Hamilton Theological Seminary in 1835, and soon after was appointed missionary to Burmah, where he arrived in February 1836. He was in the employ of the American Baptist Missionary Union for more than forty years, during which time he visited the United States, first in 1849, remaining a little more than three years, and again in 1867, making a stay of about nine months. His first work was among the Peguans, or, as they are now called, the Talaings, into whose language he translated the New Test., and issued from the press quite a number of tracts. He afterwards learned the Burmese language, and was for a long time recognised as a missionary among that people. He died September 13, 1876. See Amer. Bapt. Magazine, 57:180. (J.C.S.)
