Giovanni Guidiccioni

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Giovanni Guidiccioni [1]

an Italian prelate and author, was born at Lucca, February 25, 1500. He received a careful education, and was quite successful in his studies at the universities of Pisa, Bologna, and Ferrara, where he obtained the degree of a doctor of law, and then went to Rome, where he connected himself with the principal literary men. By recommendation of his uncle, Bartolommeo, he entered then service of cardinal Farnese, who, on becoming pope under the name of Paul III, in 1534, appointed Guidiccioni governor of Rome, and called him in the same year to the bishopric of Fossombrone. Guidiccioni was afterwards sent on various more or less important commissions. He was made governor of the marches of Ancona in 1541, and died at Macerata, in August of the same year. For his letters and other writings, see Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
