Andrew Gifford

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Andrew Gifford [1]

an eminent English Baptist minister, was born at Bristol, August 17, 1700, being the son of Rev. Emanuel Gifford, Baptist pastor there. He was converted in early life; studied at an academy in Tewkesbury, and under the direction of Reverend Dr. Ward of Gresham College; he was settled at Nottingham about two years, and then removed to his native place as assistant to Reverend Bernard Firkett. In December 1729, he removed to London as pastor of the Little Wild Street Church. For many years Mr. Gifford acted as chaplain in the family of Sir Richard Ellys. In 1734 he visited Edinburgh, where he was honored with the freedom of the city. In 1757 he was appointed assistant librarian of the British Museum, which position he held until his death, June 19, 1784. His private collection of coins was one of the most curious in Great Britain. His attendance at the museum did not render him inattentive to his pastoral duties. For a period of twenty-four years he preached, in connection with several ministers of the Independent denomination, once a month, the Sabbath evening lecture at St. Helen's Church. As a preacher, he was full of animation. See Rippon, Memoir; Amer. Bapt. Magazine, new series, 5:353. (J.C.S.)
