Eberhard Johann August

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Eberhard Johann August [1]

Eberhard Johann August

a Rationalistic theologian of Germany, was born in 1739 at Halberstadt. He studied theology at Halle, and was in succession preacher at Halberstadt, Berlin, and Charlottenburg. The. latter position he obtained by express order of king Friedrich II. In 1778 he was appointed professor of philosophy at Halle, where he opposed the idealism of Kant and Fichte. He died in 1809,. Eberhard is a representative of what is called "the vulgar Rationalistic school" (Vulgar Rationalismus). He wrote a considerable number of theological, philosophical, historical, and other works. Among his theological works are: Nene Apologie des Socrates (Berlin, 1772, 3d ed. 1788): Vorbereitung zur natufrl. Theologie (Halle, 1781): Geist des Urchristenthums (Halle, 1807-1808); and Sittenlehre der Vernunft (Berlin, 1781). Brockhaus, Conversations-Lex. s.v. (A.J.S.)
