Johann Georg Dorsche
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Johann Georg Dorsche [1]
a Lutheran theologian, was born at Strasburg, November 13, 1597; became professor of theology at Strasburg in 1627, and was called to the same chair at Rostock in 1654. He died January 25, 1659. Dorsche (Latin form Dorscheus) was a voluminous writer in theology and Biblical literature. Among his works are Dissertationes Theologicae (3d ed. Frankf. 1693, 4to): — Biblia Numerata (Frankf. 1674, fol.): — Commentarius in quat. Evangelistas (Hamburg, 1706, 4to): — Comun. in Ep. Pauli ad Hebraeos (Frankf. 1717, 4to): — Fragment. Comm. in Ep. Judez, with Gebhardi, Comm. in Ep. Judoe (Frankfort and Leips. 1700, 4to). — Winer, Theol. Literatur, 2:495; Kitto, Cyclopoedia, 1:696.