Wellington H. Collins

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Wellington H. Collins [1]

a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born May, 1816, in Wolcott, Wayne County, N.Y.; removed with his parents to Michigan in 1830, was converted in 1835, began preaching in 1837 under the presiding elder, and entered the Michigan Conference in 1838. The Conference then-included all of Michigan and North-western Ohio. After twenty years' service as a stationed minister and seven years as presiding elder, he died at Detroit, Aug. 11, 1858. He was delegate to the General Conference at Boston 1852, and also to that at Indianapolis in 1856. Mr. Collins was a man of great force of character. He was a masterly preacher, and was remarkably able in debate; but perhaps his highest excellence was in his safe judgment as a counselor, by which he was always influential among his brethren. Minutes of Conferences, 1858, p. 334; Ladies' Repository, 19:449.
