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Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): (a.) Before in place, or beforehand in time; - used for advanced; as, an advance guard, or that before the main guard or body of an army; advance payment, or that made before it is due; advance proofs, advance sheets, pages of a forthcoming volume, received in advance of the time of publication.

(2): (v.) The first step towards the attainment of a result; approach made to gain favor, to form an acquaintance, to adjust a difference, etc.; an overture; a tender; an offer; - usually in the plural.

(3): (v.) Improvement or progression, physically, mentally, morally, or socially; as, an advance in health, knowledge, or religion; an advance in rank or office.

(4): (v.) The act of advancing or moving forward or upward; progress.

(5): (v. i.) To rise in rank, office, or consequence; to be preferred or promoted.

(6): (v. i.) To increase or make progress in any respect; as, to advance in knowledge, in stature, in years, in price.

(7): (v. i.) To move or go forward; to proceed; as, he advanced to greet me.

(8): (v. t.) To extol; to laud.

(9): (v. t.) To raise to a higher point; to enhance; to raise in rate; as, to advance the price of goods.

(10): (v. t.) To furnish, as money or other value, before it becomes due, or in aid of an enterprise; to supply beforehand; as, a merchant advances money on a contract or on goods consigned to him.

(11): (v. t.) To make earlier, as an event or date; to hasten.

(12): (v. t.) To bring to view or notice; to offer or propose; to show; as, to advance an argument.

(13): (v. t.) To accelerate the growth or progress; to further; to forward; to help on; to aid; to heighten; as, to advance the ripening of fruit; to advance one's interests.

(14): (v. t.) To raise to a higher rank; to promote.

(15): (v. t.) To raise; to elevate.

(16): (v. t.) To bring forward; to move towards the van or front; to make to go on.

(17): (v.) An addition to the price; rise in price or value; as, an advance on the prime cost of goods.

(18): (v.) A furnishing of something before an equivalent is received (as money or goods), towards a capital or stock, or on loan; payment beforehand; the money or goods thus furnished; money or value supplied beforehand.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [2]

1: Προκόπτω (Strong'S #4298 — Verb — prokopto — prok-op'-to )

lit., "to strike forward, cut forward a way," i.e., to make progress, is translated "advanced" in  Luke 2:52 , RV, of the Lord Jesus (AV, "increased"); in  Galatians 1:14 "advanced," of Paul's former progress in the Jews' religion (AV, "profited"); in   Romans 13:12 , "is far spent," of the "advanced" state of the "night" of the world's spiritual darkness; in  2—Timothy 2:16 , "will proceed further," of profane babblings; in  2—Timothy 3:9 , "shall proceed no further," of the limit Divinely to be put to the doings of evil men; in  2—Timothy 3:13 , of the progress of evil men and impostors, "shall wax," lit., "shall advance to the worse." See Increase , Proceed , Profit , Spent , Wax.

 Philippians 1:12,25 1—Timothy 4:15
