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King James Dictionary [1]

Vom'It, L vomo. probably the Gr. is the same word, with the loss of its first letter.

To eject the contents of the stomach by the mouth. Some persons vomit with ease, as do cats and dogs. But horses do not vomit.


1. To throw up or eject from the stomach to discharge from the stomach through the mouth. It is followed often by up or out, but without necessity and to the injury of the language. In the yellow fever, the patients often vomit dark colored matter, like coffee grounds.

The fish vomited out Jonah upon the dry land.  Jonah 2 .

2. To eject with violence from any hollow place. Volcanoes vomit flames, ashes, stones and liquid lava.

VOM'IT, n.

1. The matter ejected from the stomach. 2. That which excites the stomach to discharge its contents an emetic.

Black vomit, the dark colored matter ejected from the stomach in the last stage of the yellow fever or other malignant disease hence, the yellow fever, vulgarly so called.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): ( n.) That which excites vomiting; an emetic.

(2): ( n.) Matter that is vomited; esp., matter ejected from the stomach through the mouth.

(3): ( v. t.) Hence, to eject from any hollow place; to belch forth; to emit; to throw forth; as, volcanoes vomit flame, stones, etc.

(4): ( v. t.) To throw up; to eject from the stomach through the mouth; to disgorge; to puke; to spew out; - often followed by up or out.

(5): ( n.) To eject the contents of the stomach by the mouth; to puke; to spew.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [3]

1: Ἐξέραμα (Strong'S #1829 — Noun Neuter — exerama — ex-er'-am-ah )

"a vomit" (from exerao, "to disgorge"), occurs in  2—Peter 2:22 .

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types [4]

 Proverbs 26:11 (a) Vomit is good food that has been mixed with the juices of the body, and is then thrown out for consumption by another. It represents doctrines that are taken from the Word of GOD into the human mind, are mixed with human ideas, and then given out for others to believe and accept. That which emanates from the pens and the lips of false teachers who present a false faith is "vomit" in the Bible sense of the word. (See also2Pe  2:22).
