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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]
1: Κραιπάλη (Strong'S #2897 — Noun Feminine — kraipale — krahee-pal'-ay )
signifies "the giddiness and headache resulting from excessive wine-bibbing, a drunken nausea," "surfeiting," Luke 21:34 . Trench (Syn. lxi) distinguishes this and the synonymous words, methe, "drunkenness," oinophlugia, "wine-bibbing" (AV, "excess of wine," 1—Peter 4:3 ), komos, "revelling."
King James Dictionary [2]
SUR'FEITING, ppr. Oppressing the system by excessive eating and drinking cloying loading or filling to disgust.
SUR'FEITING, n. The act of feeding to excess gluttony. Luke 21 .
Webster's Dictionary [3]
(p. pr. & vb. n.) of Surfeit