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Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Ἀνά (Strong'S #303 — Preposition — ana — an-ah' )

used with numerals or measures of quantity with a distributive force, is translated "apiece" in  Luke 9:3 , "two coats apiece," AV; in  John 2:6 , "two or three firkins apiece." In  Matthew 20:9,10 , "every man a penny," is a free rendering for "a penny apiece;" in  Luke 9:14 , the RV adds "each" to translate the ana; in  Luke 10:1 , ana duo is "two by two." See  Revelation 4:8 , "each." See Each , Every.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(adv.) Each by itself; by the single one; to each; as the share of each; as, these melons cost a shilling apiece.

King James Dictionary [3]

APIE'CE, adv. a and piece.

To each noting the share of each as here is an orange apiece.
