Councils Of (Concilium Cahilmense) Chalons
Councils Of (Concilium Cahilmense) Chalons [1]
Chalons, Councils Of (Concilium Cahilmense)
Of these the following were provincial:
I. Held A.D. 470, to elect John, bishop of Chalons.
II. Held A.D. 579, to depose Salonius and Sagittarius, bishops respectively of Embrun and Gap, deposed by a previous council (of Lyons, A.D. 567), restored by Pope John III, and now again deposed.
III. Held A.D. 594, to regulate the psalmody at the Church of St. Marcellus after the model of Agaune.
IV. Held A.D. 603, to depose Desiderius, bishop of Vienne, at the instigation of Queen Brunichilde Smith, Dict. Of Christ. Antiq. s.v.
V. Held Nov. 1, 649 (or 650, Le Comte says 694) by order of Clovis II; present, thirty-nine bishops, the deputies of six who were absent, six abbots, and one archdeacon. Agapius and Bobonus, bishops of Digne in Provence, were here deposed from the episcopate for violation of the canons. The council also drew up twenty canons:
1. Orders that the true faith, as right by the Council of Nicaea and confirmed by that of Chalcedon, be observed.
4. Forbids the consecration of more than one bishop to the same church at the same time.
5. Forbids the laity to meddle in the administration of churches and church property
14. Directs that the clergy who serve chapels shall be subject to the bishop in all things.
16. Is directed against simony.
19. Inflicts penalties upon lascivious dancers, and women who sang immodest songs within the church enclosure, on saints' days and festivals of dedication.
See Labbe, Concil. 6:387.
VI. Held in 1062, by Peter d'Amiens, cardinal and legate, at the head of thirteen bishops. The subject of the council was the confirmation of the privileges of the Abbey of Clugny, which Drogon, bishop of Macon, had attacked. Peace was restored between him and the abbot. See Labbe, Concil. 9, 1177.