Kohen Chananja

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Kohen Chananja [1]

a Jewish writer, who was born Nov. 18, 1757, at Reggio, and died March 29,1834, at Florence, is the author of זמירות ישראל , on ancient and modern Hebrew poetry (Leghorn, 1793): לשון מענה , Vocabulario Ebraico-Italiano Et Ital. Ebraico (Reggio, 1811-12, 2 vols.): חדשה רוח , Seu Nova Methodus Versficationis Hebr. (ibid. 1822): לשון הקודש שערי , a Hebrew grammar (Venice, 1808): שפה אהת , on the Hebrew words in the Mishna which do not occur in the Bible at all, or do occur. but in a different sense (Reggio, 1822 ): Raggio Di Eloquenza Ebrea (Florence, 1827). See Ghirondi, Toldot, p. 104; Steinschneider, Bibliogr. Handbuch, p. 35; First, Bibl. Jud. 1, 181 sq. (s.v. Coen). (B. P.)
