Mount Shapher

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Fausset's Bible Dictionary [1]

("pleasant".)  Numbers 33:23-24. Either jebel esh Shureif , 40 miles W. of Ras el Κa'a (near Rissah), or else jebel Sherafeh , a rocky promontory on the W. shore of the Elanitic gulf, near the southern limit of the Tih. The former is more likely (Speaker's Commentary). Jebel Αraif , a conical hill, standing out at the S.W. corner of the wilderness of Ziu. The wady Shareif at the N. side may be a corruption of Shapher. Here is a broad pleasant valley, affording fine pasture (Imperial Dictionary).

Morrish Bible Dictionary [2]

An encampment of the Israelites.  Numbers 33:23,24 .
