Stream Of Egypt

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Smith's Bible Dictionary [1]

Stream of Egypt. The stream of Egypt occurs once in the Old Testament -  Isaiah 27:12. See River of Egypt .

Easton's Bible Dictionary [2]

 Isaiah 27:12 Numbers 34:5 Joshua 15:4 2 Kings 24:7

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [3]

(נִחִל מַצְרִיַם, Nachal Mitsrayim ; Sept. ῾Ρινοκόρουρα [pl.]; Vulg. Torrens Egypti ) occurs once in the A.V. instead of "the river of Egypt," apparently to avoid tautology ( Isaiah 27:12). It is the best translation of this doubtful name, for it expresses the sense of the Hebrew while retaining the vagueness it has, so long as we cannot decide whether it is applied to the Pelusian branch of the Nile or the stream of the Wady el Arish. (See Nile); (See River Of Egypt).
