King James Dictionary [1]
INCON'TINENCY, n. L. incontinentia. See Continence.
1. Want of restraint of the passions or appetites free or uncontrolled indulgence of the passions or appetites, as of anger. 2. Want of restraint of the sexual appetite free or illegal indulgence of lust lewdness used of either sex, but appropriately of the male sex. Incontinence in men is the same as unchastity in women. 3. Among physicians, the inability of any of the animal organs to restrain discharges of their contents, so that the discharges are involuntary Also, the involuntary discharge itself as an incontinence of urine in diabetes.
Webster's Dictionary [2]
(1): ( n.) Incapacity to hold; hence, incapacity to hold back or restrain; the quality or state of being incontinent; want of continence; failure to restrain the passions or appetites; indulgence of lust; lewdness.
(2): ( n.) The inability of any of the animal organs to restrain the natural evacuations, so that the discharges are involuntary; as, incontinence of urine.
Charles Buck Theological Dictionary [3]
Not abstaining from unlawful desires.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [4]
in kon´ti nen si ἀκρασία akrası́a 1 Corinthians 7:5 Matthew 23:25