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Caspis [1]

( Κάσπις ), a strongly-fortified city whether east or west of Jordan is not plain having near it a lake ( Λίμνη ) two stadia in breadth. It was taken by Judas Maccabseus with great slaughter (2 Mace. 12:13, 16). The parallel history of the 1st Book of Maccabees mentions a cite named CASPHOR (See Casphor) or CASPHON (See Casphon) (q.v.), with which Caspis may be identical, but the narratives differ materially (see Ewald, Isr. Gesch. 4:359, note). Reland (Palaest. p. 134) compares a city Chaspiah ( חספיה ) on the borders of Palestine (Jerus. Talm. Demai, 22:4).
