William Carvosso

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William Carvosso [1]

a lay Methodist, one of the " saints" of modern times. He was born in Cornwall, England, March 11, 1750, and bred on a farm. In his youth he fell into the prevalent sins of the time, such as cock-fighting and Sabbath- breaking; but in 1771 he was converted, after a severe mental struggle. In 1774 he became a class-leader in the Wesleyan Church, and held that useful office for sixty years. His whole life was a wonderful illustration of the power of Christian faith, and his visits, prayers, and exhortations were the means of hundreds of conversions. He died Oct. 13, 1834. See Memoir of William Carvosso, edited by his son (N. Y. 18mo, a book which has had a vast circulation), and Stevens, History of Methodism, 3:218, 279, 495.
