Jacob Carpov

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Jacob Carpov [1]

a German Lutheran theologian, was born at Goslar, Sept. 29, 1699. He studied at Halle and Jena, and at the latter place he completed, in 1725, the course of philosophy and theology. He there professed the system of Canz, which consisted in applying the mathematical and philosophical demonstrations of Wolf to Christian dogmas. This innovation, introduced in the teaching of theology, arrayed against him all the academic corps, and led to the condemnation of his writings. In 1736 he was obliged to leave Jena and established himself at. Weimar, where he continued his course of theology, for many of the students of Jena had followed him. In 1737 he was appointed sub-director of the gymnasium of Weimar; in 1742 professor of mathematics; and in 1745 director of this gymnasium. He was also elected a member of the Academy of Berlin. He died at Weimar, June 9, 1748. Some of his principal works are, Disp. de Ratios is Sufficientis Principio (Jena, 1725): Disp. De Quaestione, Utrum Tellus sit Amachina, an Animal (ibid. oed.): Disput. Theol. Trinitatis Mysterium Methodo Demonstrativa Sistens (ibid. 1730); a writing directed against Polycarp Leyser, who had declared the Trinity contrary to sound judgment. The mathematical proofs given by Carpov in support of the Trinity were commented upon in a work by John Thomas Haupt: Gr Ü nde der Vernunst zur Eriduterung und zumi Beweise des Geheimisses der heeiligen Dreieinigkeit (Rostock, 1752). The following three works relate to this same controversy: Revelatum S.S. Trinifatis Mysterium Methodo Demonstrativa Propositum (Jena, 1735): De Pluralite Personarum in Deitate (ibid. eod. and 1737): Amerkungen iuber den Troktat: de Pluralitate Person. etc.: Caenonomia Salutis N.T. (Jena,: 1737, 1765; Frankfort and Leipsic, 1737, 1749; and Rudolstadt and Leipsic, 1761):' Disp. de Anima Christi Homiinis in se Spectata (Jena, 1737; and a second edition, enlarged, and published under another title Psychologia Sacratissima, etc., ibid. 1740): De, Staniine Humanitatis Christi (ibid. 1741-43): De Peccato in Saqictum Spiritum Atgue Incredulitatis Finalis (Wei-mar, 1746, 1750): De Notione et Irremissibilitate Peccati in Spiritum Sanctum (ibid. 1750): De Ortu Anime Humanae et Christi (ibid. 1751). These are only a few of the sixty-eight works enumerated by Doring, Die gelehirten Theologen Deutschlands, i229 sq. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. G É neral É , s.v.; also Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v.; Furst, Bibl. Jud. 1, 146; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1, 297, 420. (B. P.)
