Friedrich Wilhelm Carove

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Friedrich Wilhelm Carove [1]

a Roman Catholic writer of Germany, was born at Coblentz. June 20,1789. He studied law and practiced for some time. In 1815 he went to Heidelberg, where he devoted himself, under the guidance of Hegel, to philosophical studies. In 1818 he followed Hegel to Berlin, and in 1819 commenced his lectures at Breslau as privat-docent. His political views made it necessary for him to change his residence, and he died at Heidelberg, March 18, 1852. He wrote, Ueber d. Auctoritit der alleinseligmachenden Kirche (Frankfort, 1825, 2 vols.; 2nd ed. Hanau, 1835): Was heisst romisch-katholische Kirche (2nd ed. Altenburg, 1847): Der Saint-Simonismus und die neuere franzosische Philosophie (Leips. 1831).: Ueber das C Ü libatgesetz der romisch-katholischen Clerus (1832, 2 vols.): Ueber kirchliches Christenthumn (1835): Papismnus und Humanitdt (1838): Vorhalle des Christenthums oder die letzten Dinge der alten Welt (Jena, 1851). See Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 1, 215, Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. (see Index). (B.P.)
