David Welsh

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David Welsh [1]

an eminent Scotch clergyman, was born at Braefoot, Dumfriesshire, in 1793. He was educated at the University of Edinburgh; was pastor of the parish of Crossmichael, Presbytery of Kirkcudbrigcht for several years, beginning in 1821; became minister of St. David's in Glasgow, in 1826; was appointed professor of Church history in the University of Edinburgh in 1831; traveled on the Continent in 1834, studying the German language and literature; was appointed inspector of Bibles in Scotland; was moderator of the General Assembly in 1842; left the Established Church in 1843; became professor of Church history in the Free Church College, and was first editor of The North British Review. He died April 24, 1845. He was the author of, An Account of the Life and Writings of Thomas Brown, M.D., etc. (1825): Sermons on Practical Subjects (1834): Elements of Church History (1844, vol. 1): and Sermons, with a Memoir by A. Dunlop, Advocate (1846).
