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Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( n.) A British volunteer cavalry force, growing out of a royal regiment of fox hunters raised by Yorkshire gentlemen in 1745 to fight the Pretender, Charles Edward. The members furnish their own horses, have fourteen days' annual camp training, and receive pay and allowance when on duty. In 1901 the name was altered to imperial yeomanry in recognition of the services of the force in the Boer war. See Army organization, above.

(2): ( n.) The collective body of yeomen, or freeholders.

(3): ( n.) The position or rank of a yeoman.

(4): ( n.) The yeomanry cavalry.

The Nuttall Encyclopedia [2]

Name given to a cavalry volunteer force the members of which provide their own horses and uniforms, with a small allowance from the Government, which is increased when called out.
