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Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

Zabbud ( Kerç Zaccur ). An exile who returned (  Ezra 8:14 ). In 1Es 8:40 wÄ•-Zaccur [an easy slip, in Heb., for wë-Zabbud ] is apparently corrupted into Istalcurus .

Smith's Bible Dictionary [2]

Zab'bud. (given). One of the sons of Bigvai, who returned in the second caravan with Ezra.  Ezra 8:14. (B.C. 459).

Holman Bible Dictionary [3]

 Ezra 8:14 qere Zabud

Morrish Bible Dictionary [4]

Son of Bigvai: he returned from exile.  Ezra 8:14 .

Easton's Bible Dictionary [5]

 Ezra 8:14

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [6]

zab´ud ( זבּוּד , zabbūdh , meaning uncertain;   Ezra 8:14 , where Kerē is zakkūr and Kethı̄bh is zābhūdh = "Zabud"; 1 Esdras 8:40 has "Istalcarus"): A companion of Ezra on his journey from Babylon to Jerusalem.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [7]

(Heb. Zabbud', זִבּוּד [prob. an error for זִכּוּר , Zakkuir, as in the marg.]; Sept. Ζαβούδ ), a "son" of Bigvai who returned from Babylon with Ezra ( Ezra 8:14). B.C. 459. (See Zaccur).
