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Smith's Bible Dictionary [1]

Wills. Under a system of close inheritance like that of the Jews, the scope forbid bequest in respect of land was limited by the right of redemption and general re-entry in the Jubilee Year ; but the law does not forbid bequests by will of such limited interest in land as was consistent with those rights.

The case of houses in walled towns was different, and there can be no doubt that they must, in fact, have frequently been bequeathed by will,  Leviticus 25:30.

Two instances are recorded in the Old Testament under the law of the testamentary disposition,

(1) effected in the case of Ahithophel,  2 Samuel 17:23.

(2) recommended in the case of Hezekiah.  2 Kings 20:1;  Isaiah 38:1.

See Heir .

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]

(See Covenant, (See Heir.) Ahithophel's giving charge concerning his house ( 2 Samuel 17:23), and the recommendation to Hezekiah to "give charge concerning" his, are of the nature of a will ( 2 Kings 20:1); the first distinctly recorded case is that of Herod.

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [3]

The subject of testamentary disposition is, of course, intimately connected with that of inheritance, and little need be added here to what will be found there. (See Heir). Under a system of close inheritance like that of the Jews, the scope for bequest in respect of land was limited by the right of redemption and general re-entry in the Jubilee year. (See Jubilee); Vow. But the law does not forbid bequests by will of such limited interest in land as was consistent with those rights. The case of houses in walled towns was different, and there can be no doubt that they must, in fact, have frequently been bequeathed by will ( Leviticus 25:30). Two instances are recorded in the Old Test., under' the law, of testamentary disposition —

1. Effected in the case of Ahithophel ( 2 Samuel 17:23);

2. Recommended in the case of Hezekiah ( 2 Kings 20:1;  Isaiah 28:1); and it may be remarked in both that the word "set in order"(צַוָּה; Sept. ἐντέλλομαι ; Vulg. dispono. צִוָּאָה in Rabbinic is a will. See Gesen. Thesaur. p. 1155), marg. "give charge concerning," agrees with the Arabic word "command," which also means "make a will"(Michaelis, Laws of Moses, art. 80). Various directions concerning wills will be found in the Mishna, which imply disposition of land (Baba Bathr . 8:6, 7). (See Testament).
