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Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [1]

a Benedictine monk who flourished near the middle of the 11th century, is noted for his mystico-theological writings, and for several biographies of German saints. He was born at Freisingen of respectable parents; was educated at the convent in Tegernsee, and at Hersfeld. After a short stay at Wurzburg he entered the convent of Emmeram at Regensburg, and remained within its walls for over thirty years; then spent four years in hard literary labors at Fulda; and again went to Regensburg to die in the convent, some time near the close of the century. A list of all his works is given by Waitz in Pertz, Monum. German. Hist. 6:521. Among Othlo's theological writings are, Liber visionum spiritualis doctrince seientefie: Dialogus de tribus aucestionibus: De cursu spirituali. His opus De tentationibus (ipsius) variafortuna et scriptis, Mabillon published in his Analect. (Par. 1685), vol. 4. Among his biographies of German saints are lives of St. Boniface and St. Wolfgang. See Aschbach, Kirchen-Lexikon, 4:401; Lea, Hist. of Sacerdotal Celibacy, p. 196.
