Theodor Hirsch

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Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [1]

a Protestant theologian and historian of Germany, was born December 17, 1806, at Dantzic. He studied at Berlin, was for some time professor at the Friedrich-Wilhelms gymnasium there, and in 1833 at Dantzic. In 1865 he was called as professor of history and librarian to Greifswalde, and died February 17, 1881. He published, Beitrag zur Reformationsgeschichte Danzigs (Dantzic, 1842): Die Ober-Pfarrkirche von St. Marien in Danzig (1843): Danzigs Handels- und Gewerbegeschichte unfer der Ferrschaft des Deutsche Ordens (Leipsic, 1858). He also edited, with Strehlke and Toppen, Scriptores Rerum Prussicarum (1868 sq.). (B.P.)
