
From BiblePortal Wikipedia
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== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia ==

( לשׁון , lāshōn , literally "tongue"; κόλπος , kólpos ): The word occurs in the sense of inlet of the sea in the Old Testament only in Joshua 15:2 , Joshua 15:5; Joshua 18:19 , and in New Testament only in Acts 27:39 (of Malta, the King James Version "creek").

== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature ==

is the color assigned in the English version to one of the span of horses in the vision of Zechariah (Zechariah 6:3; Zechariah 6:7). The original has אֲמֻצִּים, amutstsim', strong (Sept. ψαροί ), and evidently means fleet or spirited. In Zechariah 6:7 it appears to be a corruption for אֲדֻמִּים, adummim', red, as in Zechariah 6:2.


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