James Henry Brent

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James Henry Brent [1]

a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church South, was born in Rockingham County, N.C., in 1825. He was endowed with a fine intellect and noble nature, and was instinctively highminded, honorable, and generous; received the tender care of a pious mother; was preparing himself for the practice of medicine when, in 1843, he was converted. He immediately began a ministerial course of study at Randolph Macon College, and in 1850 entered the North Carolina Conference. His first appointment was in connection with the Topsail Academy; his third was at Goldsborough, where he founded the Goldsborough (now Wayne) Female College, over which he presided successfully two years. He died in the midst of his labors, at Newbern, August 17, 1860. He was highly esteemed and greatly beloved. See Minutes of Annual Conferences of the M.E. Church South, 1860, page 247.
