Giovanni Angelo Bosso (Or Bossio)

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Giovanni Angelo Bosso (Or Bossio) [1]

Bosso (Or Bossio),Giovanni Angelo

a learned Italian theologian, was a member of the order of Barnabites, in which he performed various functions, and of which he became general. He died at Rome in 1665, He wrote, De Triplici Jubilei Privilegio (Pisa, 1635: 1670): Disceptationes Morales de Jurisdictione Episcoporum (Milan, 1638): Moralia Varia ad Usun utriusque Fori (Lyons, 1649, 1651): Methodus. ServiendiDeo (Milan, 1656). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Gen., s.v.
