Charles Betts

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Charles Betts [1]

a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church South, was born in North Carolina in 1800. He experienced conversion in 1816, became class-leader at once, and in 1818 entered the South Carolina Conference. By his deep piety, vigorous intellect, and great success, he soon attained a leading position among his brethren He was honored by frequent elections to the General Conference, and appointed to the most important charges in the Conference. He continued effective until the close of 1871, when he became superannuated. He died about April 15, 1872. Mr. Betts was always a warm and earnest preacher. He had a well-knit and powerful physical frame, and often taxed it to its utmost. See Minutes of Annual Conferences of the M. E. Church South, 1872, p. 671.
