Berno (Or Bernard) Of Reichenau

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Berno (Or Bernard) Of Reichenau [1]

Berno (Or Bernard) Of Reichenau

(also styled Quod-vult-Deus) was originally a Benedictine monk of Fleury- sur-Loire (others say of St. Gall in Switzerland), and was in 999 deputed to the Council of Orleans. In 1008 (or 1014) he was appointed abbot of Reichenau, an abbey located upon the lake of Zell, near that of Constance. He restored the pristine glory of this abbey, which was lost under his predecessor Immo. He was known as an excellent musician and poet, and was well acquainted with the literature of his time. He enriched the library of his abbey by collecting old works, by manuscripts made by his monks, and by new works which were written by him and the learned inmates of the monastery. Under his guidance the school at Reichenau revived its old fame, and students flocked to it from great distances. He also reformed the music of.the Church. In 1013 he accompanied the emperor, Henry II, to Rome. The privileges of Reichenau were confirmed in 1016 by the emperor, and again in 1032 by pope John XX. He died Jan. 7, 1045, leaving, De Officio Missce (Cologne, 1568; Venice, 1572; Paris, 1578; also found in the Magna Bibl. tom. 18): Qualiter Adventus Domini Celebretur (in Gez, Anecdota, 4:69 sq.): Dialogus cum Gerungo Monacho (ibid.): Vita S. Udalrici Augustani Episc. (in Surius, July 4):. Vita S. Meginradi Ep. et Mart. (in Mabillon, Acta Ord. Bened. 4 par. 2, p. 63): a book upon song, entitled Libellus Tomius, seu do Regulis Symphoniarum et Tonarum, which he dedicated to Piligrin, archbishop of Cologne. At the Pauline Library at Leipsic were to be found at one time manuscripts upon mathematics, astronomy, and music, by Berno. During the time of Berno, the manner of keeping the four days' fast was various, and he accordingly wrote a dialogue entitled De Quatuor Temporum Jejuniis, per sua Sabbata Observandis, ad Aribonem, Archiepiscopum Maguntinum; also another addressed to Aribon, entitled De Quatuor Adventus Dominicis. These works are likewise to be found in the Thesaurus Anecdotorum Novissimus of Bern. Gez (Augsburg, 721, vol. iv). See Gerbert, Scriptores Ecclesice del Musica, tom. 2; Hefele, Ueber den wissenschaftlichen Zustand Alemanniens im 9, 10, und 11 Jahrhundert, in the Tubinger theolog. Quartalschrift, 1838; Herzog, Real. Encyklop. s.v.; Lichtenberger, Encyclopedie des Sciences Religieuses, s.v.; Ceillier, Hist. des Aut. Eccles. 20:206 sq.; Landon, Eccles. Dict. s.v.; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v. (B. P.)
