Hamilton Bell

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Hamilton Bell [1]

a Presbyterian minister, was in May, 1740, taken on trial by Philadelphia Presbytery, and licensed Sept. 30. Having spent some time at Nottingham, he was received by Donegal Presbytery, Oct. 27, 1741, and April 7 he received a call to Nottingham, and was ordained Nov. 11, 1742. He was also invited to Donegal, to Lancaster, and to White Clay. The spring after being ordained, he was admonished, and in the fall suspended. In February, 1744, he published his renunciation of the presbytery in the newspapers. He appealed to the synod in May, 1744, and they appointed a committee to meet and determine the affair. It met at Donegal in June, and deposed him; and the synod approved the sentence in 1745. See Webster; Hist. of the Presb. Church in Amer. 1857.
