Georg Lorenz Bauer

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Georg Lorenz Bauer [1]

a distinguished German theologian in the second half of the eighteenth century, was born Aug. 14th, 1755, at Hiltboltstein, near Nurnberg; became in 1787 connector at Nurnberg, in 1789 Professor of Eloquence, Oriental Languages, and Ethics at the University of Altdorf, and in 1805 Professor of Exegetical Theology and Oriental Literature at Heidelberg. He was also made a Church councillor by the government of Baden. He died Jan. 12th, 1806. Among his numerous writings, the following are the most important: Einleitung in die Schriften des Alien Testaments (Nurnb. 3d ed. 1806): Hermeneutica sacra V. T. (Leipz. 1797): Biblische Theologie des Neuen Test. (Leipz. 1803 1805: Lehrbuch der Hebraischen Alterthumer (2d edition, by Rosenm Ü ller, Leipzig, 1835). He also continued Schulz's Scholia in V. T. (Nurnb. 1790-94, vol. 4 to 8) and Glassius's Philologia Sacra (Leipz. 1793-97).
