William Barrows
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William Barrows [1]
a Congregational minister, was born at New Braintree, Massachusetts, September 19, 1815; graduated from Amherst College in 1840, and spent one year in Union Theological Seminary; served as pastor at Norton, Massachusetts; Grantville; Old South Church, Reading; in 1869 became secretary of the Congregational Sunday-school and Publishing Society; in 1873 of the Massachusetts Home Missionary Society; in 1887 financial agent of Whitman College, and died September 9, 1891. He was the author of The Church and Her Children: — Purgatory; Doctrinally, Practically, and Historically Opened: — Oregon; the Struggle for Possession: — The United States of Yesterday and To-morrow, and several pamphlets. See (Am.) Cong. Yearbook, 1892.