James Bain

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James Bain [1]

an Irish Congregational minister, was a native of Dundee, Scotland, but removed to Belfast; Ireland, while yet a young man, and decided to consecrate himself to the ministry. He was educated at the Belfast College, and spent the two years succeeding the completion of his studies (1837-38) in evangelistic work in the County Antrim, preaching at two principal stations, Straid and Ballycraigg. In 1839 he was ordained over the Church at Straid, which he succeeded in building up to a large extent by earnest labors. A new chapel was built in 1858, and afterwards enlarged, thewhole being completed in 1861. His pastorate continued in this Church for more than forty years, with eminent success in all its departments. His health failed in 1878, and he was compelled to resign his charge in 1880. He removed to Londonderry the following year, and died July 17, 1881, having been in the ministry forty-two years. See (Lond.) Cong. Yearbook. 1882, p. 284.
