Pedro Ayala

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Pedro Ayala [1]

a pious Spanish Dominican, was born at Arenas in 1676. He assumed the religious habit at Avila, whence he proceeded to Alcala, where he was made professor of theology. By order of his superiors he accepted the see of Avila, and went on. foot to take possession of it, accompanied only by one monk of his order, May 5,1728. The benefits which he conferred upon his diocese were innumerable; his palace was a kind of monastery where prayer and study were the constant occupations.. Clement XII made him his nuncio at the court of Spain, with the title and powers of legate a latere, and for three years he continued to discharge the duties of this difficult but honorable post, and succeeded in reconciling the two courts. The only reward for his services which he claimed was permission to resign his bishopric, which he obtained in 1738. He retired to the poorest convent of his order in Spain-viz. that of St. Rosa, near the village of Montbeltran, where he died, May 20, 1742. He left several pastoral instructions and some treatises on moral theology. His Life was written by a historian of his order.
