Valentin Arnoldi (Or Arnold)

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Valentin Arnoldi (Or Arnold) [1]

Arnoldi (or Arnold), Valentin

a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born at. Dillenburg, Jan. 26, 1712. He studied theology and the Oriental languages at Herborn. In 1739 he went to the Netherlands and spent seven years at Utrecht, Leyden, and the Hague in continuing his studies. In 1745 he was called as professor of philosophy and first preacher to Herborn. He lectured on almost all departments of theology. In 1755 he was made member of consistory; and in 1757 he took charge of the Academic Library. In 1764 all churches of the duchy of Nassau were committed to his care; and six years later, in 1770, he was made first professor of the theological faculty. Arnold died April 16, 1793. With .all his vast learning,' he wrote hardly anything.- Allgemeines deutsche. Biographie, s.v. (B. P.)
