Joel Ranney Arnold

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Joel Ranney Arnold [1]

a Congregational minister, was born at Westminster, Vt., April 25, 1794. His father was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, made a profession of religion at the age of eighty-nine, and lived to be nearly a hundred and two years old. Joel was fitted for college at the academies in Pawlet, Vt., and Walpole, N. H., and entered Middlebury College in 1811. Subsequently he studied medicine and practiced about a year; then studied theology with his brother, Rev. Seth S. Arnold, and was ordained pastor of the Church in Chester, N. H., in 1820, remaining there for ten years. He was afterwards pastor successively at Waterbury, Conn.; Colchester and Westminster, Vt.; Middlebury, Conn.; Coventry and Vassalborough, Me. He died at Chester, July 4, 1865. Mr. Arnold published two sermons and two articles in the New-Englander. See Cong. Quarterly, 1866, p. 45..
