John W. Armstrong

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John W. Armstrong [1]

a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born at Woolwich, England, Sept. 20, 1812. He emigrated with his parents to Quebec, Canada, in 1824; received an early religious training; experienced religion at the age of sixteen; entered Cazenovia Seminary in 1835; became principal of the Nichols Academy, Tioga Co., in 1839; of Red Creek Academy, Wayne Co., N. Y., in 1841; and in 1842 was admitted into the Black River Conference. In 1850 he was elected to the chair of natural sciences in Cazenovia Seminary; and later, principal of the Gouverneur Semiinary. In 1854 he became. principal of Falley Seminary, Fulton; in 1856 he returned to pastoral work; in 1857 he accepted the principalship of Amenia Seminary; and in 1859 again resumed pastoral work. From 1865 to, 186,9 he was head-master of the State Normal School at Oswego; and then became principal of the Normal and Training School at Fredonia, N. Y., where he remained until his death, Aug. 12, 1878. He was a man of rare intellectual endowments, and by habit and desire a student in the highest sense of the term; and bv his own personal efforts attained great eminence as a linguist, scientist, physiologist, mathematician, and artist. Yet he stood highest in his character as a cultured Christian man and minister. Meek, sympathetic, edifying, and zealous in the relations he bore to humanity, he everywhere won the highest esteem. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1878, p. 25; Simpson, Cyclop. of Methodism, s.v.
