Paolo Antonio Appiano

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Paolo Antonio Appiano [1]

an Italian Jesuit preacher and historian, was born at Ascoli in 1639. Having become a member of the Arcadian Society, he allied himself with the learned Magliabecchi and the poet John Baptist Saginoli. He was appointed recorder of the Inquisition; but he was especially noted as a preacher and an historian. He died at Rome in 1709. He wrote, among other works, Vita di San Enmidio, Primo Vescovo d'A'scoli, con una Descrizione della suddetta Citta (Rome, 1702, 1704) mentioned in the Journal of Trevoux:- Vita di Cecco d'Ascoli, a poet and philosopher of the 14th century burned as a heretic:-II Frumento che Produce le Paime: Orazione in Rendimento di Grazie a Dio per le Vittorie ottenute, l'Anno 1687, dall' Ami Cristiane nell Ungheria, nella Grecia, e nella Dalmazia (Venice, 1688):-and Athenceum Picenumn, a biography of the native authors of Picenum (the March of Ancona), his native country, which, however, was never published. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
