Antiochus Monk Of St. Saba

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Antiochus Monk Of St. Saba [1]

near Jerusalem, at the time of the capture of Jerusalem by the Persians

(A.D. 614), and author of an "Epitome of Christian Faith" ( Πανδέκτης

Τῆς Α῾Γίας Γραφῆς ), first published in Latin by Tilman (Paris, 1543, 8vo); reprinted in the Bibliotheca Patrum (Paris, 1579; Colon. 1618; Lugd. 1677); in the original Greek, first by Ducaeus, in the Auctarii Bibl. Patr. (Par. 1624), reprinted in Morell's Bibl. Patr. (Par. 1644), and a considerable fragment in Fabricius's Bibl. Groec. 10, 501.
