Andrea Geronimo Andreucci

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Andrea Geronimo Andreucci [1]

an Italian Jesuit, born at Viterbo in 1684, was much in the employment of the bishop of Pavia, and wrote many works, among them De Sacrosanctce Usn Eucharistice crebrius aut rariius Laicis Concedendo (Rome, 1720): The Life of St. Emidius, Bishop of Ascoli, in Italian (ibid. 1728): De Episcopo Titulari Tractatus Canonico-theologicuis (ibid. 1732): Opuscula Mnoralia de Eucharistia (ibid. 1733), in four parts: De Dignitate, Officio, ac Privileqiis Cardinalium (ibid. 1734): De Patriarchatu Antiocheno (ibid. 1735): De Ritu Anmbrosiano (ibid. 1738): De Observandis ab Episcopo in Authenticandis. Reliquiis (ibid. 1739): A Treatise upon Dreams, to prove that they mean nothing, and that it is superstitious, criminal, and dangerous to trace consequences to them (ibid. 1740, under the name of F. A. Gaffori).
