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Jag [1]

(1): ( n.) saddlebags.

(2): ( n.) A leather bag or wallet;

(3): ( n.) A notch; a cleft; a barb; a ragged or sharp protuberance; a denticulation.

(4): ( v. t.) To carry, as a load; as, to jag hay, etc.

(5): ( n.) A part broken off; a fragment.

(6): ( n.) A cleft or division.

(7): ( n.) Enough liquor to make a man noticeably drunk; a small "load;" a time or case of drunkeness; - esp. in phr. To have a jag on, to be drunk.

(8): ( v. t.) To cut into notches or teeth like those of a saw; to notch.

(9): ( n.) A small load, as of hay or grain in the straw, or of ore.
