Francoise D Amboise

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Francoise D Amboise [1]

daughter of Louis Amboise, viscount of Thouars, was born in 1427. She was married to Peter II, duke of Brittany, who died in 1457. When in 1452 the general of the Carmelites, Johann Soreth, founded the Order of the Carmelitesses with the sanction of pope Nicholas V, Francoise founded the first monastery in Brittany, and entered the same in 1467, where she died in 1485. See Leroy, Vita Francisce ab Ambosia, Ducissce Armoricce (Paris, 1604); Saint-Jean-Mace, Vie de la trls Illustr. et Vert. F. d'Amboise, jadis Duchesse de Bretagne, Fondatrice des Anciennes Carlmelites de Bretagne (ibid. 1634, 1669); Bavin, Vie de St. Francoise, Duchesse de Bretagne (Rennes, 1704); Bauer, in Wetzer u. Welte's Kirchen-Lexikon, s.v. (B. P.)
