St. Aileranus (Aireranus, Or Areranus)
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St. Aileranus (Aireranus, Or Areranus) [1]
Aileranus (Aireranus, Or Areranus), St.,
surnamed the Wise, was head of the famous college of Clonard, County Meath, Ireland. He died, according to the annals of Ulster, in 665. Among his works are, the Life of St. Bridget of Kildare: — Life of St. Patrick: and Life of Fechinus. But the best known of his writings is an Allegorical Exposition of the Genealogy of Jesus Christ. This was inserted by Sedulius the Younger in his Collections on St. Matthew, and published in 1667, from a copy of a MS. of St. Gallennus, with the title Ailerani Scoto Hiberni, Cognomento Sulpientis, Interpretatio Mysticac Pnrogenitorunm D. Jesu Christi, etc. See Usher, Prinmord. Eccles.;