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Actaeon [1]

in Greek mythology, was the son of Aristieus and Atonoe, a daughter of Cadmus, and was one of the most famous heroes of Thebes, trained in the school of Chiron. The death of this famous hunter has furnished to poetry matter for many beautiful works. The myth runs as follows: Diana was bathing in the Gargaphian valley just at the time when Actseon was hunting. When he saw the goddess, he remained standing there, which so vexed Diana that she transformed him into a reindeer, with nothing human left him but consciousness. Actaeon fled. However, his own nimblefooted dogs gave chase, and, overtaking him, tore him to pieces. His dogs then sought for their master, and not finding him, Chiron erected a statue of him, which they constantly guarded. Another story is somewhat different that Diana transformed him because of his boldness in attempting violence upon her person. Others, again, relate that she vexed him to death in order that he might not marry Semele, whom he loved.
