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== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_95585" /> ==
<p> '''(1):''' (superl.) Extending far and wide; extensive; vast; as, the broad expanse of ocean. </p> <p> '''(2):''' (superl.) Fig.: Having a large measure of any thing or quality; not limited; not restrained; - applied to any subject, and retaining the literal idea more or less clearly, the precise meaning depending largely on the substantive. </p> <p> '''(3):''' (superl.) Comprehensive; liberal; enlarged. </p> <p> '''(4):''' (superl.) Plain; evident; as, a broad hint. </p> <p> '''(5):''' (superl.) Wide; extend in breadth, or from side to side; - opposed to narrow; as, a broad street, a broad table; an inch broad. </p> <p> '''(6):''' (superl.) Extended, in the sense of diffused; open; clear; full. </p> <p> '''(7):''' (superl.) Characterized by breadth. See Breadth. </p> <p> '''(8):''' (superl.) Cross; coarse; indelicate; as, a broad compliment; a broad joke; broad humor. </p> <p> '''(9):''' (superl.) [[Strongly]] marked; as, a broad Scotch accent. </p> <p> '''(10):''' (n.) The broad part of anything; as, the broad of an oar. </p> <p> '''(11):''' (n.) The spread of a river into a sheet of water; a flooded fen. </p> <p> '''(12):''' (n.) A lathe tool for turning down the insides and bottoms of cylinders. </p> <p> '''(13):''' (superl.) Free; unrestrained; unconfined. </p>
Broad <ref name="term_2099" />
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_58627" /> ==
<p> BROAD, a. brawd. L. gradior a root of extensive use. </p> 1. [[Wide]] extended in breadth, or from side to side, as distinguished from long, or extended from end to end. It is opposed to narrow as a broad street a broad table. 2. Wide extensive vast as the broad expanse of ocean. 3. Large as a broad mixture of falsehood. 4. Open clear not covered,confined or concealed as in broad sunshine. 5. [[Gross]] coarse as broad mirth broad nonsense. 6. Plain tending to obscenity as a broad comment. 7. [[Bold]] not delicate not reserved as broad words. 8. Comprehensive. <p> It may be urged that the words in the constitution are broad enough to include the case. </p> <p> [[Broad]] as long, equal upon the whole. </p>
== Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types <ref name="term_197515" /> ==
<p> &nbsp;Job 36:16 (a) By this is declared the liberty, largeness, and freedom of that one who is blessed by the Lord. </p> <p> &nbsp;Matthew 7:13 (a) Here is indicated the widespread popularity of the path that leads to hell. </p> <p> &nbsp;Matthew 23:5 (a) This indicates the desire of the hypocrite to advertise his pious character. </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_2099" /> ==
<p> ''''' brôd ''''' ( רחב , <i> ''''' rōḥabh ''''' </i> , "width"; רחב , <i> ''''' reḥōbh ''''' </i> , "a broadway," "street," "court"; ἐυρύχωρος , <i> ''''' eurúchōros ''''' </i> , "spacious"): Occurs frequently as a term of dimension (&nbsp;Exodus 27:1; &nbsp;1 Kings 6:6; &nbsp;Ezekiel 40:6 , &nbsp;Ezekiel 40:43 the Revised Version (British and American), "handbreadth long") and as indicative of strength (&nbsp; Nehemiah 3:8; &nbsp;Jeremiah 51:58 ). The centers of communal life are called the "broad places," often rendered "streets" (&nbsp;Jeremiah 5:1; &nbsp;Song of [[Solomon]] 3:2; &nbsp;Nahum 2:4 ). A court before the temple: "the broad place on the east" (the King James Version "the east street," &nbsp;2 Chronicles 29:4 ); "broad plates" (&nbsp;Numbers 16:38 , &nbsp;Numbers 16:39 , the Revised Version (British and American) "beaten"). </p> <p> Figurative: [[Relief]] from distress: "Yea, he would have allured thee out of (Hebrew "the mouth of") distress into a broad place" (&nbsp; Job 36:16 ); the liberty of obedience or liberty within the law (&nbsp;Psalm 119:96 , "broad," "roomy," "at liberty"); the all-sufficiency of God for His people (&nbsp;Isaiah 33:21 ). [[Jerusalem]] could not boast of a river or navy - Y ahweh's presence with and within her would more than supply these deficiencies; the road to destruction: "Broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction" (&nbsp;Matthew 7:13 ); the ostentatious piety of the Pharisees: "They make broad (πλατύνω , <i> ''''' platúnō ''''' </i> , "widen") their phylacteries" (&nbsp;Matthew 23:5 ). See [[City]]; [[Gate]] . </p>
<p> ''''' brôd ''''' ( רחב , <i> ''''' rōḥabh ''''' </i> , "width"; רחב , <i> ''''' reḥōbh ''''' </i> , "a broadway," "street," "court"; ἐυρύχωρος , <i> ''''' eurúchōros ''''' </i> , "spacious"): Occurs frequently as a term of dimension (&nbsp;Exodus 27:1; &nbsp;1 Kings 6:6; &nbsp;Ezekiel 40:6 , &nbsp;Ezekiel 40:43 the Revised Version (British and American), "handbreadth long") and as indicative of strength (&nbsp; Nehemiah 3:8; &nbsp;Jeremiah 51:58 ). The centers of communal life are called the "broad places," often rendered "streets" (&nbsp;Jeremiah 5:1; &nbsp;Song of [[Solomon]] 3:2; &nbsp;Nahum 2:4 ). A court before the temple: "the broad place on the east" (the King James Version "the east street," &nbsp;2 Chronicles 29:4 ); "broad plates" (&nbsp;Numbers 16:38 , &nbsp;Numbers 16:39 , the Revised Version (British and American) "beaten"). </p> <p> Figurative: [[Relief]] from distress: "Yea, he would have allured thee out of (Hebrew "the mouth of") distress into a broad place" (&nbsp; Job 36:16 ); the liberty of obedience or liberty within the law (&nbsp;Psalm 119:96 , "broad," "roomy," "at liberty"); the all-sufficiency of God for His people (&nbsp;Isaiah 33:21 ). [[Jerusalem]] could not boast of a river or navy - Y ahweh's presence with and within her would more than supply these deficiencies; the road to destruction: "Broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction" (&nbsp;Matthew 7:13 ); the ostentatious piety of the Pharisees: "They make broad (πλατύνω , <i> ''''' platúnō ''''' </i> , "widen") their phylacteries" (&nbsp;Matthew 23:5 ). See [[City]]; [[Gate]] . </p>
==References ==
== References ==
<ref name="term_95585"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/webster-s-dictionary/broad Broad from Webster's Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_58627"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/king-james-dictionary/broad Broad from King James Dictionary]</ref>
<ref name="term_197515"> [https://bibleportal.com/dictionary/wilson-s-dictionary-of-bible-types/broad Broad from Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types]</ref>
<ref name="term_2099"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/broad Broad from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>
<ref name="term_2099"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/international-standard-bible-encyclopedia/broad Broad from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia]</ref>

Revision as of 14:32, 16 October 2021

Broad [1]

brôd ( רחב , rōḥabh , "width"; רחב , reḥōbh , "a broadway," "street," "court"; ἐυρύχωρος , eurúchōros , "spacious"): Occurs frequently as a term of dimension ( Exodus 27:1;  1 Kings 6:6;  Ezekiel 40:6 ,  Ezekiel 40:43 the Revised Version (British and American), "handbreadth long") and as indicative of strength (  Nehemiah 3:8;  Jeremiah 51:58 ). The centers of communal life are called the "broad places," often rendered "streets" ( Jeremiah 5:1;  Song of Solomon 3:2;  Nahum 2:4 ). A court before the temple: "the broad place on the east" (the King James Version "the east street,"  2 Chronicles 29:4 ); "broad plates" ( Numbers 16:38 ,  Numbers 16:39 , the Revised Version (British and American) "beaten").

Figurative: Relief from distress: "Yea, he would have allured thee out of (Hebrew "the mouth of") distress into a broad place" (  Job 36:16 ); the liberty of obedience or liberty within the law ( Psalm 119:96 , "broad," "roomy," "at liberty"); the all-sufficiency of God for His people ( Isaiah 33:21 ). Jerusalem could not boast of a river or navy - Y ahweh's presence with and within her would more than supply these deficiencies; the road to destruction: "Broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction" ( Matthew 7:13 ); the ostentatious piety of the Pharisees: "They make broad (πλατύνω , platúnō , "widen") their phylacteries" ( Matthew 23:5 ). See City; Gate .
