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== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_51740" /> ==
<p> an Anglican clergyman, very noted especially as a writer of sacred poetry, was born at Bath, England, in 1807, and was educated at [[Lincoln]] College, Oxford, where he secured his A.B. in 1833, and A.M. in 1838. He took holy orders in 1835; became curate of Whittington, subsequently (1836) removed to London as minister of [[Percy]] Street Episcopal Chapel; afterwards went to Glasgow, where he preached for four years, but returned to London, and resumed functions at Percy Street [[Chapel]] in 1843, and there preached until his death, December 3, 1855. Montgomery's works comprise a large number of volumes in prose and verse, on themes more or less sacred. He is best known by his poem The [[Omnipresence]] of the [[Deity]] (1828), which has passed through twenty-eight editions, and The [[Christian]] Life: a Manual of [[Sacred]] [[Verse]] (1848,12mo; 6th edition, 1853, 24mo). The former of these provoked unusual severity of criticism — even lord Macaulay unmercifully poured his invectives against it: "His works have received more enthusiastic praise, and have deserved more unmixed contempt, than any which, as far as our knowledge extends, have appeared within the last three or four years... </p> <p> The circulation of this writer's poetry has been greater than that of Southey's Roderick, and beyond all comparison greater than that of Cary's Dante, or of the best works of Coleridge" (Macaulay, Essays, 1:257, 265-7, 269, 276). Nevertheless, as has been well said, the book must have pleased, or people would not have bought it in the face of such unfavorable comments. It must be stated also that the work on its appearance met with the high commendations of those illustrious writers, Southey, Wilson, Alison, and [[Sharon]] Turner. Montgomery's Christian Life was generally commended; and some Anglican writers were most enthusiastic in its praise. The Church of [[England]] Quarterly (April 9, 1849, No. 50, page 286) pronounced it "far superior to anything else from the author; and, of all the uninspired collections of religious poetry which any poet has ever produced in any Church or age or country, there is none which, in our opinion, can venture a comparison — intellectual or poetical with Montgomery's Christian Life." </p> <p> A writer in the Scottish Magazine goes even further: "To eulogize this divine now as a successful Christian poet would be to offer an indignity to all who have the slightest knowledge of what is passing in the literary world. His Omnipresence long ago stamped him as one of our greatest poets... We must, however, express our honest conviction that the present volume manifests higher and more intrinsic beauties and excellences than any one of his previous poetic works. And what will very much enhance it in the opinion of all true Churchmen is the fact that it is a thoroughly Church volumebreathing and inculcating her scriptural and catholic verities, exhibiting her in the thrilling and beautiful expression of a fond and sacred mother, who lovingly cares and unweariedly provides for the spiritual wants and comforts of her children. While all these poems are fraught with deep truth and lofty sentiments, portraying in poetical form the Church's creed and character, the duties and dangers the hopes and fears, the faults, privileges, and final destinies of a believer in the religion of Christ,... we must declare that we have not read anything more beautiful and heavenly, more eloquent and pathetic, than the poems on 'Baptism,' 'Visitation of the Sick.' 'Burial of the Dead,' 'Commination,' and the 'Eucharist.' </p> <p> Nothing like this volume has appeared since the 'Christian Year,' whether we' consider its style and tone, its sentiments, the variety of its metres, or the harmony of its verse. It is a 'Voice of the Church,' a kind of second 'Christian Year.' A list of all his works is given by Allibone (Diet. of Brit. and Amer. Auth. 2:1348-9). We have room only for mention of his other religious works. Of those in verse: A Universal Prayer, Death, Heaven, [[Hell]] (1828, 4to, and often): Satan: or [[Intellect]] without God (1830): — The [[Messiah]] (1832): — Luther; or the [[Ideal]] of the [[Reformation]] (1842): — The Sacred Gift: a Series of Meditations upon [[Scripture]] Subjects (1842): — The Sanctuary: a [[Companion]] in Verse for the English Prayer-book (1855). Of those in prose: The [[Gospel]] in [[Advance]] of the Age: a homily for the Times, with an Introduction on the Spirit of the [[Bible]] and the Spirit of the [[Age]] (1st ed. 1847; 3d ed. revised and rearranged, with additional matter, etc., 1848, and often since): — The Ideal of the English Church (1845): — Christ our All in All (1845): — [[Eight]] Sermons: being Reflective Discourses on some Important Texts (1843, 8vo): — The Great Salvation, and our [[Sin]] in [[Neglecting]] it: a [[Religious]] Essay, in Three Parts (1846): — The Scottish Church, the English Schismatics (1846; 3d ed. with documentary evidence, 1847, 12mo). A collected edition of his poetical works (in 6 volumes, 8vo) was published in 1839-40, and his Christian Poetry, by Ed. Farr, in 1854 (12mo). Selections from them were also made under the title, [[Religion]] and Poetry, with an Introductory [[Essay]] by [[Archer]] Gurney (1847, 8vo); and [[Lyra]] Christiana (1851, 32mo). See Fraser's Magazine, 1:95, 721; 4:672; Westm. Rev. 12:355; Lond. Month. Rev. 117, 30; 121, 313; Blackwood's Magazine, 23:751-71; 26:241 sq.; Lond. Gentleman's Mag. 1856, part 1:313; [Lond.] Athenceum, 1832, page 348; South. Qu. Rev. 2:290; N.Y. Lit. and Theol. Review, 1:688; Breen, Mod. Eng. Lit.: its [[Blemishes]] and Defcts (1857), page 206; Koenen, Voorlozing over den Engelschen Dichter [[Rob.]] Montgomery (Amst. 1853, 8vo); and the excellent and very full article in Allibone's Dict, of Brit. and Amer. Auth. s.v. (J.H.W.) </p>
Robert Montgomery <ref name="term_51739" />
<p> a distinguished English missionary was born at Bangor, August 19, 1811. He studied at Edinburgh, was licensed by his presbytery about the end of 18,41 and a few weeks afterwards was set apart for the mission to India. In 1843 he was stationed at Poorbliider, on the western coast, and three years later was transferred to Surat. He early acquired a scholarly knowledge of Gujarati, into which he translated the [[Epistle]] to the Romans and the prophecy of Isaiah likewise two little volumes by Dr. Barth, entitled, ''Scripture Series Of The Old And New Testament.'' He also prepared a Dictionary, English and Gujarati, which stands now as a help to all students of that language. He, wrote several hymns, three of which are included in the Gujarati Book of Praise. When he returned in broken health in 1876, advantage was taken of his presence to appoint him moderator of the General Assembly. He was one of the delegates at the general missionary conference in London in 1879. Montgomery died in November, 1880. (B.P.) </p>
== The Nuttall Encyclopedia <ref name="term_76771" /> ==
<p> Author of "The [[Omnipresence]] of Deity" and "Satan," born at Bath, son of a clown; passed undistinguished through Oxford, and was minister of [[Percy]] Street Chapel, London; all his many works are forgotten save the above, which lives in Macaulay's famous review (1807-1855). </p>
== References ==
==References ==
<ref name="term_51739"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/montgomery,+robert+(2) Robert Montgomery from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_51740"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/cyclopedia-of-biblical-theological-and-ecclesiastical-literature/montgomery,+robert Robert Montgomery from Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature]</ref>
<ref name="term_76771"> [https://bibleportal.com/encyclopedia/the-nuttall-encyclopedia/montgomery,+robert Robert Montgomery from The Nuttall Encyclopedia]</ref>

Revision as of 11:20, 15 October 2021

Robert Montgomery [1]

a distinguished English missionary was born at Bangor, August 19, 1811. He studied at Edinburgh, was licensed by his presbytery about the end of 18,41 and a few weeks afterwards was set apart for the mission to India. In 1843 he was stationed at Poorbliider, on the western coast, and three years later was transferred to Surat. He early acquired a scholarly knowledge of Gujarati, into which he translated the Epistle to the Romans and the prophecy of Isaiah likewise two little volumes by Dr. Barth, entitled, Scripture Series Of The Old And New Testament. He also prepared a Dictionary, English and Gujarati, which stands now as a help to all students of that language. He, wrote several hymns, three of which are included in the Gujarati Book of Praise. When he returned in broken health in 1876, advantage was taken of his presence to appoint him moderator of the General Assembly. He was one of the delegates at the general missionary conference in London in 1879. Montgomery died in November, 1880. (B.P.)
