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== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_39431" /> ==
== Holman Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_39431" /> ==
&nbsp;Ezra 7:10 <p> Nature and [[Focus]] of Chronicles 1,2Chronicles are the first and second books of a four-book series that includes Ezra and Nehemiah. These four books provide a scribal (priestly) history of [[Israel]] from the time of Adam (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:1 ) to the rebuilding of the house of God and the walls of [[Jerusalem]] and the restoration of the people in the worship of God according to the law of Moses (&nbsp;Nehemiah 13:31 ). </p> <p> The special focus of these books is on the fortunes of God's house in Jerusalem upon which God has set His name forever (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 7:16 ). David found Israel to be like scattered sheep. As God's chosen shepherd and line through whom God would build His house, David sought to order the life of Israel around the worship of God. Under God he made the city of Jerusalem his capital (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 11:4-9 ), transferred the ark of God to the city (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 16:1 ), and began to prepare for the building of the [[Temple]] (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 22:1-2 ). Solomon, his son, built the Temple (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 2:1 ), and Zerubbabel, his son of succeeding generations, rebuilt the Temple (&nbsp;Ezra 3:8 ). The intervening sons of David, who served as kings of Judah, were judged by whether or not they were faithful to God and to His house. Compare, for example, the reign of wicked King [[Ahaz]] with that of good King [[Hezekiah]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 28:1-4 , &nbsp;2 Chronicles 29:1-11 ). </p> <p> Significance of the Title The two books now called 1,2Chronicles were originally one book. The division into two books was first made after 300 [[B.C.]] by the [[Jewish]] elders who translated the [[Hebrew]] Old [[Testament]] into Greek, producing the Septuagint. The reason for their making Chronicles into two books is quite simple. The Hebrew manuscript, which usually contained no vowels, could be written on one large roll. The Greek translation with its vowels, however, required nearly twice as much space. The division seems quite appropriate with 1Chronicles concluding the reign of David, and 2Chronicles beginning the reign of Solomon. </p> <p> The English title “Chronicles” is derived from the Latin <i> Chronicon </i> , which was applied to these writings by Jerome. He described these materials as “a chronicle of the whole of sacred history.” The [[Septuagint]] (Greek) title is <i> Paraleipomena </i> , meaning “omitted things.” That title reflects their understanding of Chronicles to be a supplement to the materials found in Samuel and Kings. </p> <p> [[Closest]] to the heart is the Hebrew title. It means “the acts or deeds of the day or times.” However, the books do more than recount the various acts of the people of that day. Chronicles focuses on the most important deeds of that time or indeed of any time—building the house of God. God's house was, of course, the Temple in Jerusalem. But God's house transcends that building. Included, historically, would be the many forms in which we find the house of God, namely: the various altars established by the patriarchs, the tabernacle of God erected by Moses, the Temple built by Solomon, the Temple rebuilt by Zerubbabel, the Temple refurbished by Herod, and the various church-houses throughout the ages. The house of God is more than a meeting place. It is also the household of faith—the people of God. David's dwelling “in the house of the Lord for ever” (&nbsp;Psalm 23:6 ) means dwelling forever with God and His people in the abode of God. In the ultimate sense we would equate God's house with His kingdom. Accordingly, the writer(s) of Chronicles reminds us that the most important of all deeds are those by which God's kingdom is built in the hearts of people. </p> <p> Significance of Chronicles' Place in the [[Canon]] Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah stand among the <i> [[Hagiographa]] </i> , meaning “holy writings,” which is the third division of the Old Testament. The order of English versions with Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah after Samuels and Kings goes back to the Septuagint. </p> <p> The Hebrew Bible places Chronicles as the last book in the Old Testament after even Ezra and Nehemiah. Chronicles doubtless occupied this position in the time of Christ, since he cited Zechariah as the last named prophet who suffered a violent death (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 24:20-22; &nbsp;Matthew 23:35; &nbsp;Luke 11:51 ). </p> <p> Three explanations are given as to why the Hebrews concluded the Old Testament with Chronicles. One is the view that Chronicles was the last book to be accepted in the Old Testament canon. The second is that the author(s) first wrote [[Ezra-Nehemiah]] and then Chronicles. The third and most likely is to have the Old Testament conclude with God's providential control of history to build (rebuild) His house in Jerusalem. The final admonition of the Hebrew Old Testament then is for God's people to go up to Jerusalem to build God's house (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:23 ). Moreover, God's final promise is to bless with His presence those who indeed go up to build (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:23 ). </p> <p> Authorship, Date, and Sources We do not know for sure who wrote Chronicles. As has been noted, tradition names Ezra the “ready scribe,” a priest descended from [[Zadok]] and [[Phinehas]] (&nbsp;Ezra 7:1-6 ), as author of Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. This tradition cannot be proved, but there is no valid objection to it. If he did not, we do not know who did. The position of these books in the <i> Hagiographa </i> indicates that the author was not a prophet. Moreover, the emphasis upon the priests and [[Levites]] suggests the author to be someone like Ezra who was one of them. Also, in the seventh year of his reign, [[Artaxerxes]] Longimanus, the [[Persian]] king from 465 to 425 [[B.C.,]] sent Ezra to Jerusalem to order the civil and religious life of the [[Jews]] according to the law of Moses (&nbsp; Ezra 7:8 ,Ezra 7:8,&nbsp;7:14 ). Accordingly, Ezra was the leader of the spiritual restoration effort these books were written to accomplish. An editor(s) could account for any material extending beyond the time of Ezra. </p> <p> The use of sources by the author(s) is obvious. Much of the material came from the biblical Books of Samuel and Kings. However, other sources are evident such as official chronicles (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 27:24 ), the writings of the prophets (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 29:29 ), and commentaries on the events of that day (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 24:27 ). The genealogies reflect the carefully kept records of the Levites. Sources for the Temple materials include “the works of [[Asaph]] and David” (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 29:30 ) and the God-given “pattern” (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 28:19 ). </p> <p> Purposes and [[Enduring]] [[Value]] The principal purpose of 1,2Chronicles is to show God's control of history to fulfill His desire to dwell among His people in a perfect relationship of holiness in which God is God and the redeemed are His people. God first shared His desire with Moses (&nbsp;Exodus 25:8 ). The tabernacle and the Temple symbolize that desire. God is fulfilling His desire through the Lord Jesus Christ—the Son of David. When Christ shall have completed His redemptive work, “the tabernacle of God” will be “with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God” (&nbsp;Revelation 21:3 ). Chronicles shows how God worked from the time of Adam but particularly in the times of David through Ezra and Nehemiah to accomplish His desire to dwell in holiness with His people. </p> <p> [[A]] second purpose is to show God's choice of a person and a people to build His house. The person is the Son of David—the Messiah. [[Solomon]] built the temple in Jerusalem, but the Son who is building and shall build to completion God's true house and the Son whose reign God will establish forever is the Lord Jesus Christ (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 17:12; &nbsp;Luke 1:31-33; &nbsp;Acts 15:14-16 ). The people are those of faith whose lineage goes back to Adam through [[Seth]] to [[Shem]] to [[Abraham]] (1Chronicles 1:1,1Chronicles 1:17,&nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:28 ) to whom God made the promise of the seed (the Christ) through whom He would bless all nations (&nbsp;Genesis 12:1-4; &nbsp;Genesis 15:4-6; &nbsp;Genesis 17:7; &nbsp;Genesis 22:16-18; &nbsp;Galatians 3:16 ). His people are those of Israel and indeed of all nations who will put their trust in Him. </p> <p> [[A]] third purpose is to show that God who dwells in holiness must be approached according to the law that God gave to Moses. David, in seeking to unite his people around the presence of God, learned that God must be sought in the proper way (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 15:13 ). Basic is the necessity to come to God by way of the altar of sacrifice as ministered by the [[Levitical]] priesthood. God in His merciful forgiveness of David revealed the place of the altar of sacrifice to be in Jerusalem at the threshing floor of [[Ornan]] (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 21:18-22:1 ). There David erected the altar and built the Temple according to God's directions. But most importantly, there the Son of God, our great High Priest, sacrificed Himself on the cross in our stead to bring His people into the glorious presence of God (&nbsp;Hebrews 2:17; &nbsp;Hebrews 5:1-10 ). </p> <p> [[A]] fourth purpose of Chronicles is to encourage God's people to work together with God and one another to build God's house. That is the reason the author(s) shared with his people the challenge of God through King [[Cyrus]] to go up to Jerusalem to build God's house. That is the reason he shared with them God's promise to be with them to bless as they obediently went up to build. (See &nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:23 .) That is the reason he shared with them the history of the fortunes of God's house and God's people. He demonstrated thereby God's blessing upon those who built and otherwise honored God's house, but God's judgment upon those who neglected, thwarted the building of, or desecrated the house of God. As such, 1,2Chronicles stands as a challenge to God's people of every generation to devote themselves with all their heart to building God's house. Accordingly, “who is there among you of all his [God's] people? The Lord his God, be with him, and let him go up” (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:23 ). </p> <p> 1,2Chronicles: Blessings for [[Building]] God's House </p> <p> Outline </p> <p> [[I.]] Israel's People of Faith (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:1-9:44 ) </p> <p> [[A.]] [[Godly]] line of Adam (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:1-4 ) </p> <p> [[B.]] Sons of Noah focusing on Shem (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:5-27 ) </p> <p> [[C.]] Sons of Abraham focusing on Isaac (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:28-34 ) </p> <p> [[D.]] Sons of Isaac focusing on Israel (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:34-54 ) </p> <p> [[E.]] Sons of Israel focusing on Judah and [[Levi]] (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 2:1-9:44 ) </p> <p> [[Ii.]] David's [[Learning]] [[Obedience]] (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 10:1-22:1 ) </p> <p> [[A.]] God's replacing rebellious Saul with David (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 10:1-14 ) </p> <p> [[B.]] God's bringing David to power (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 11:1-12:40 ) </p> <p> [[C.]] David's seeking to build around God's presence: David's son to build God's house (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 13:1-17:27 ) </p> <p> [[D.]] David's marring his victories by his sin (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 18:1-21:17 ) </p> <p> [[E.]] God's revelation in mercy of the site of the Temple and the place of the altar of sacrifice (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 21:18-22:1 ) </p> <p> [[Iii.]] David's [[Preparing]] to [[Build]] God's House (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 22:2-29:30 ) </p> <p> [[A.]] Preparing workmen and materials (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 22:2-5 ) </p> <p> [[B.]] Preparing Solomon to build (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 22:6-16 ) </p> <p> [[C.]] [[Charging]] the princes to help Solomon (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 22:17-19 ) </p> <p> [[D.]] Making Solomon king (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 23:1 ) </p> <p> [[E.]] [[Ordering]] the priests and Levites and princes for service (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 23:2-27:34 ) </p> <p> [[F.]] Charging Solomon and the people (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 28:1-21 ) </p> <p> [[G.]] Inspiring gifts to build (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 29:1-9 ) </p> <p> [[H.]] Worshiping God and enthroning Solomon (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 29:10-25 ) </p> <p> [[I.]] Summarizing David's reign (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 29:26-30 ) </p> <p> [[Iv.]] Solomon's Building God's House (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 1:1-9:31 ) </p> <p> [[A.]] God's blessing of Solomon to build (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 1:1-17 ) </p> <p> [[B.]] Construction and consecration (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 2:1-7:22 ) </p> <p> [[C.]] Solomon's other achievements (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 8:1-18 ) </p> <p> [[D.]] Solomon's wisdom and wealth and fame (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 9:1-28 ) </p> <p> [[E.]] Concluding Solomon's reign (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 9:29-31 ) </p> <p> [[V.]] God's [[Judging]] Judah's Kings by Their [[Faithfulness]] to His House (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 10:1-36:21 ) </p> <p> [[A.]] The wicked reign of [[Rehoboam]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 10:1-12:16 ) </p> <p> [[B.]] The wicked reign of [[Abijah]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 13:1-22 ) </p> <p> [[C.]] The sin-marred reign of good King Asa (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 14:1-16:14 ) </p> <p> [[D.]] The godly reign of [[Jehoshaphat]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 17:1-21:1 ) </p> <p> [[E.]] The wicked reign of [[Jehoram]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 21:2-20 ) </p> <p> [[F.]] The wicked reign of [[Ahaziah]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 22:1-9 ) </p> <p> [[G.]] The wicked reign of [[Athaliah]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 22:10-23:21 ) </p> <p> [[H.]] The good reign of [[Joash]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 24:1-27 ) </p> <p> [[I.]] Imperfect devotion of [[Amaziah]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 25:1-28 ) </p> <p> [[J.]] Uzziah's violation of the priestly office (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 26:1-23 ) </p> <p> [[K.]] Good but imperfect reign of [[Jotham]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 27:1-9 ) </p> <p> [[L.]] [[Wicked]] reign of Ahaz (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 28:1-27 ) </p> <p> [[M.]] Unqualified good reign of Hezekiah (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 29:1-32:33 ) </p> <p> [[N.]] [[Conversion]] of wicked King [[Manasseh]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 33:1-20 ) </p> <p> [[O.]] Wicked reign of [[Amon]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 33:21-25 ) </p> <p> [[P.]] Unqualified good reign of [[Josiah]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 34:1-35:27 ) </p> <p> [[Q.]] Wicked reigns of [[Jehoahaz]] and Jehoiakim: beginning of [[Exile]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:1-8 ) </p> <p> [[R.]] Wicked reigns of [[Jehoiachin]] and Zedekiah: final stage of Exile (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:9-21 ) </p> <p> [[Vi.]] Providential [[Decree]] to Rebuild God's House (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:22-23 ) </p> <p> [[A.]] Date and origin of decree (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:22 ) </p> <p> [[B.]] Purpose of decree (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:22 ) </p> <p> [[C.]] Motivating force of decree (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:23 ) </p> <p> [[D.]] [[Substance]] of decree (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:23 ) </p> <p> John [[H.]] Traylor Jr. </p>
&nbsp;Ezra 7:10 <p> Nature and [[Focus]] of Chronicles 1,2Chronicles are the first and second books of a four-book series that includes Ezra and Nehemiah. These four books provide a scribal (priestly) history of [[Israel]] from the time of Adam (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:1 ) to the rebuilding of the house of God and the walls of [[Jerusalem]] and the restoration of the people in the worship of God according to the law of Moses (&nbsp;Nehemiah 13:31 ). </p> <p> The special focus of these books is on the fortunes of God's house in Jerusalem upon which God has set His name forever (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 7:16 ). David found Israel to be like scattered sheep. As God's chosen shepherd and line through whom God would build His house, David sought to order the life of Israel around the worship of God. Under God he made the city of Jerusalem his capital (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 11:4-9 ), transferred the ark of God to the city (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 16:1 ), and began to prepare for the building of the [[Temple]] (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 22:1-2 ). Solomon, his son, built the Temple (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 2:1 ), and Zerubbabel, his son of succeeding generations, rebuilt the Temple (&nbsp;Ezra 3:8 ). The intervening sons of David, who served as kings of Judah, were judged by whether or not they were faithful to God and to His house. Compare, for example, the reign of wicked King [[Ahaz]] with that of good King [[Hezekiah]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 28:1-4 , &nbsp;2 Chronicles 29:1-11 ). </p> <p> Significance of the Title The two books now called 1,2Chronicles were originally one book. The division into two books was first made after 300 B.C. by the [[Jewish]] elders who translated the [[Hebrew]] Old [[Testament]] into Greek, producing the Septuagint. The reason for their making Chronicles into two books is quite simple. The Hebrew manuscript, which usually contained no vowels, could be written on one large roll. The Greek translation with its vowels, however, required nearly twice as much space. The division seems quite appropriate with 1Chronicles concluding the reign of David, and 2Chronicles beginning the reign of Solomon. </p> <p> The English title “Chronicles” is derived from the Latin <i> Chronicon </i> , which was applied to these writings by Jerome. He described these materials as “a chronicle of the whole of sacred history.” The [[Septuagint]] (Greek) title is <i> Paraleipomena </i> , meaning “omitted things.” That title reflects their understanding of Chronicles to be a supplement to the materials found in Samuel and Kings. </p> <p> [[Closest]] to the heart is the Hebrew title. It means “the acts or deeds of the day or times.” However, the books do more than recount the various acts of the people of that day. Chronicles focuses on the most important deeds of that time or indeed of any time—building the house of God. God's house was, of course, the Temple in Jerusalem. But God's house transcends that building. Included, historically, would be the many forms in which we find the house of God, namely: the various altars established by the patriarchs, the tabernacle of God erected by Moses, the Temple built by Solomon, the Temple rebuilt by Zerubbabel, the Temple refurbished by Herod, and the various church-houses throughout the ages. The house of God is more than a meeting place. It is also the household of faith—the people of God. David's dwelling “in the house of the Lord for ever” (&nbsp;Psalm 23:6 ) means dwelling forever with God and His people in the abode of God. In the ultimate sense we would equate God's house with His kingdom. Accordingly, the writer(s) of Chronicles reminds us that the most important of all deeds are those by which God's kingdom is built in the hearts of people. </p> <p> Significance of Chronicles' Place in the [[Canon]] Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah stand among the <i> [[Hagiographa]] </i> , meaning “holy writings,” which is the third division of the Old Testament. The order of English versions with Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah after Samuels and Kings goes back to the Septuagint. </p> <p> The Hebrew Bible places Chronicles as the last book in the Old Testament after even Ezra and Nehemiah. Chronicles doubtless occupied this position in the time of Christ, since he cited Zechariah as the last named prophet who suffered a violent death (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 24:20-22; &nbsp;Matthew 23:35; &nbsp;Luke 11:51 ). </p> <p> Three explanations are given as to why the Hebrews concluded the Old Testament with Chronicles. One is the view that Chronicles was the last book to be accepted in the Old Testament canon. The second is that the author(s) first wrote [[Ezra-Nehemiah]] and then Chronicles. The third and most likely is to have the Old Testament conclude with God's providential control of history to build (rebuild) His house in Jerusalem. The final admonition of the Hebrew Old Testament then is for God's people to go up to Jerusalem to build God's house (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:23 ). Moreover, God's final promise is to bless with His presence those who indeed go up to build (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:23 ). </p> <p> Authorship, Date, and Sources We do not know for sure who wrote Chronicles. As has been noted, tradition names Ezra the “ready scribe,” a priest descended from [[Zadok]] and [[Phinehas]] (&nbsp;Ezra 7:1-6 ), as author of Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. This tradition cannot be proved, but there is no valid objection to it. If he did not, we do not know who did. The position of these books in the <i> Hagiographa </i> indicates that the author was not a prophet. Moreover, the emphasis upon the priests and [[Levites]] suggests the author to be someone like Ezra who was one of them. Also, in the seventh year of his reign, [[Artaxerxes]] Longimanus, the [[Persian]] king from 465 to 425 B.C., sent Ezra to Jerusalem to order the civil and religious life of the [[Jews]] according to the law of Moses (&nbsp; Ezra 7:8 ,Ezra 7:8,&nbsp;7:14 ). Accordingly, Ezra was the leader of the spiritual restoration effort these books were written to accomplish. An editor(s) could account for any material extending beyond the time of Ezra. </p> <p> The use of sources by the author(s) is obvious. Much of the material came from the biblical Books of Samuel and Kings. However, other sources are evident such as official chronicles (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 27:24 ), the writings of the prophets (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 29:29 ), and commentaries on the events of that day (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 24:27 ). The genealogies reflect the carefully kept records of the Levites. Sources for the Temple materials include “the works of [[Asaph]] and David” (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 29:30 ) and the God-given “pattern” (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 28:19 ). </p> <p> Purposes and [[Enduring]] [[Value]] The principal purpose of 1,2Chronicles is to show God's control of history to fulfill His desire to dwell among His people in a perfect relationship of holiness in which God is God and the redeemed are His people. God first shared His desire with Moses (&nbsp;Exodus 25:8 ). The tabernacle and the Temple symbolize that desire. God is fulfilling His desire through the Lord Jesus Christ—the Son of David. When Christ shall have completed His redemptive work, “the tabernacle of God” will be “with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God” (&nbsp;Revelation 21:3 ). Chronicles shows how God worked from the time of Adam but particularly in the times of David through Ezra and Nehemiah to accomplish His desire to dwell in holiness with His people. </p> <p> A second purpose is to show God's choice of a person and a people to build His house. The person is the Son of David—the Messiah. [[Solomon]] built the temple in Jerusalem, but the Son who is building and shall build to completion God's true house and the Son whose reign God will establish forever is the Lord Jesus Christ (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 17:12; &nbsp;Luke 1:31-33; &nbsp;Acts 15:14-16 ). The people are those of faith whose lineage goes back to Adam through [[Seth]] to [[Shem]] to [[Abraham]] (1Chronicles 1:1,1Chronicles 1:17,&nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:28 ) to whom God made the promise of the seed (the Christ) through whom He would bless all nations (&nbsp;Genesis 12:1-4; &nbsp;Genesis 15:4-6; &nbsp;Genesis 17:7; &nbsp;Genesis 22:16-18; &nbsp;Galatians 3:16 ). His people are those of Israel and indeed of all nations who will put their trust in Him. </p> <p> A third purpose is to show that God who dwells in holiness must be approached according to the law that God gave to Moses. David, in seeking to unite his people around the presence of God, learned that God must be sought in the proper way (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 15:13 ). Basic is the necessity to come to God by way of the altar of sacrifice as ministered by the [[Levitical]] priesthood. God in His merciful forgiveness of David revealed the place of the altar of sacrifice to be in Jerusalem at the threshing floor of [[Ornan]] (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 21:18-22:1 ). There David erected the altar and built the Temple according to God's directions. But most importantly, there the Son of God, our great High Priest, sacrificed Himself on the cross in our stead to bring His people into the glorious presence of God (&nbsp;Hebrews 2:17; &nbsp;Hebrews 5:1-10 ). </p> <p> A fourth purpose of Chronicles is to encourage God's people to work together with God and one another to build God's house. That is the reason the author(s) shared with his people the challenge of God through King [[Cyrus]] to go up to Jerusalem to build God's house. That is the reason he shared with them God's promise to be with them to bless as they obediently went up to build. (See &nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:23 .) That is the reason he shared with them the history of the fortunes of God's house and God's people. He demonstrated thereby God's blessing upon those who built and otherwise honored God's house, but God's judgment upon those who neglected, thwarted the building of, or desecrated the house of God. As such, 1,2Chronicles stands as a challenge to God's people of every generation to devote themselves with all their heart to building God's house. Accordingly, “who is there among you of all his [God's] people? The Lord his God, be with him, and let him go up” (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:23 ). </p> <p> 1,2Chronicles: Blessings for [[Building]] God's House </p> <p> Outline </p> <p> I. Israel's People of Faith (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:1-9:44 ) </p> <p> A. [[Godly]] line of Adam (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:1-4 ) </p> <p> B. Sons of Noah focusing on Shem (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:5-27 ) </p> <p> C. Sons of Abraham focusing on Isaac (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:28-34 ) </p> <p> D. Sons of Isaac focusing on Israel (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 1:34-54 ) </p> <p> E. Sons of Israel focusing on Judah and [[Levi]] (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 2:1-9:44 ) </p> <p> II. David's [[Learning]] [[Obedience]] (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 10:1-22:1 ) </p> <p> A. God's replacing rebellious Saul with David (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 10:1-14 ) </p> <p> B. God's bringing David to power (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 11:1-12:40 ) </p> <p> C. David's seeking to build around God's presence: David's son to build God's house (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 13:1-17:27 ) </p> <p> D. David's marring his victories by his sin (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 18:1-21:17 ) </p> <p> E. God's revelation in mercy of the site of the Temple and the place of the altar of sacrifice (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 21:18-22:1 ) </p> <p> III. David's [[Preparing]] to [[Build]] God's House (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 22:2-29:30 ) </p> <p> A. Preparing workmen and materials (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 22:2-5 ) </p> <p> B. Preparing Solomon to build (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 22:6-16 ) </p> <p> C. [[Charging]] the princes to help Solomon (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 22:17-19 ) </p> <p> D. Making Solomon king (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 23:1 ) </p> <p> E. [[Ordering]] the priests and Levites and princes for service (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 23:2-27:34 ) </p> <p> F. Charging Solomon and the people (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 28:1-21 ) </p> <p> G. Inspiring gifts to build (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 29:1-9 ) </p> <p> H. Worshiping God and enthroning Solomon (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 29:10-25 ) </p> <p> I. Summarizing David's reign (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 29:26-30 ) </p> <p> IV. Solomon's Building God's House (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 1:1-9:31 ) </p> <p> A. God's blessing of Solomon to build (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 1:1-17 ) </p> <p> B. Construction and consecration (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 2:1-7:22 ) </p> <p> C. Solomon's other achievements (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 8:1-18 ) </p> <p> D. Solomon's wisdom and wealth and fame (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 9:1-28 ) </p> <p> E. Concluding Solomon's reign (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 9:29-31 ) </p> <p> V. God's [[Judging]] Judah's Kings by Their [[Faithfulness]] to His House (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 10:1-36:21 ) </p> <p> A. The wicked reign of [[Rehoboam]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 10:1-12:16 ) </p> <p> B. The wicked reign of [[Abijah]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 13:1-22 ) </p> <p> C. The sin-marred reign of good King Asa (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 14:1-16:14 ) </p> <p> D. The godly reign of [[Jehoshaphat]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 17:1-21:1 ) </p> <p> E. The wicked reign of [[Jehoram]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 21:2-20 ) </p> <p> F. The wicked reign of [[Ahaziah]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 22:1-9 ) </p> <p> G. The wicked reign of [[Athaliah]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 22:10-23:21 ) </p> <p> H. The good reign of [[Joash]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 24:1-27 ) </p> <p> I. Imperfect devotion of [[Amaziah]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 25:1-28 ) </p> <p> J. Uzziah's violation of the priestly office (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 26:1-23 ) </p> <p> K. Good but imperfect reign of [[Jotham]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 27:1-9 ) </p> <p> L. [[Wicked]] reign of Ahaz (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 28:1-27 ) </p> <p> M. Unqualified good reign of Hezekiah (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 29:1-32:33 ) </p> <p> N. [[Conversion]] of wicked King [[Manasseh]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 33:1-20 ) </p> <p> O. Wicked reign of [[Amon]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 33:21-25 ) </p> <p> P. Unqualified good reign of [[Josiah]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 34:1-35:27 ) </p> <p> Q. Wicked reigns of [[Jehoahaz]] and Jehoiakim: beginning of [[Exile]] (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:1-8 ) </p> <p> R. Wicked reigns of [[Jehoiachin]] and Zedekiah: final stage of Exile (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:9-21 ) </p> <p> VI. Providential [[Decree]] to Rebuild God's House (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:22-23 ) </p> <p> A. Date and origin of decree (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:22 ) </p> <p> B. Purpose of decree (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:22 ) </p> <p> C. Motivating force of decree (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:23 ) </p> <p> D. [[Substance]] of decree (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 36:23 ) </p> <p> John H. Traylor Jr. </p>
== Bridgeway Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_18469" /> ==
== Bridgeway Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_18469" /> ==
<p> In the Hebrew Bible the two books of Chronicles form one volume. The writer has not recorded his name, though he has mentioned books and documents from which he gathered his information (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 9:1; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 27:24; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 29:29; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 9:29; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 16:11; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 24:27; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 33:19; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 35:25). His account in some ways parallels the record found in the books of Samuel and Kings, but it is by no means a repetition. The Chronicler wrote for a particular group of people and with a particular purpose in mind. </p> <p> '''Purpose of Chronicles''' </p> <p> During the period covered by 1 and 2 Kings, the [[Israelite]] kingdom divided into two, the northern kingdom being known as Israel, the southern as Judah. When the people of the northern kingdom were taken into captivity by [[Assyria]] (732-722 [[Bc),]] many became so widely scattered in the [[Assyrian]] [[Empire]] that they largely lost their national identity. When the people of the southern kingdom were taken into captivity by [[Babylon]] (605-582 [[Bc),]] they remained together in Babylon and retained their national identity. It was people of this latter group who began returning to [[Palestine]] after Persia’s conquest of Babylon in 539 [[Bc.]] </p> <p> Most of those who returned had never lived in Palestine and knew little of the operations of the Jerusalem temple in the days before its destruction. These were the people for whom the Chronicler wrote. He wanted to give them some background concerning their nation’s history, and especially concerning its religion. He wanted them to realize that they were more than just a lot of migrants returning to the land of their forefathers. They were a continuation of that pre-captivity nation whose political life was based on the Davidic dynasty, and whose religious life was based on the Levitical priesthood. </p> <p> '''Features of Chronicles''' </p> <p> By carefully choosing and arranging his material, the Chronicler impressed upon the released captives the importance of rebuilding their nation according to God’s design. They were not to be led astray by former bad examples. Though he traces the history of the nation from the time of its first king, Saul, to the time of the captivity in Babylon, he mentions Saul only briefly and says little about the northern kingdom. He is concerned almost entirely with the Davidic line of kings who reigned in Jerusalem. </p> <p> The northern kingdom was a breakaway from the God-appointed kingdom of David. Its religion was a rebellion against the true worship of God that was centred on the temple in Jerusalem. The Chronicler’s reason for scarcely mentioning the northern kingdom is that he does not want to interest his readers in its sinful ways. For him, David’s is the only legitimate dynasty, Jerusalem the only legitimate capital, the temple the only legitimate sanctuary, and the Levitical priesthood the only legitimate religious order. </p> <p> In concentrating on the history of the southern kingdom (i.e. the dynasty of David), the Chronicler wants to show what an important part the one and only God-given religion played in the national life of God’s people. For this reason, features of Israel’s religious organization that are omitted from Samuel and Kings are given in great detail in Chronicles. On the other hand, failures of individual Davidic rulers that are found in Samuel and Kings are omitted from Chronicles. </p> <p> The Levites are of particular interest to the Chronicler. [[Whereas]] the writers of Samuel and Kings seldom mention them, the Chronicler speaks of them frequently, showing the important part they played in the nation’s affairs. He wants his readers to see how God intended the Davidic kind of civil administration and the Levitical kind of religious order to function in harmony for the benefit of the nation. </p> <p> '''Contents of 1 Chronicles''' </p> <p> [[Genealogies]] were useful in showing the returning captives how they fitted into God’s plan for the nation. After tracing the origins of Israel (1:1-54), the genealogies deal with the tribes of Judah and [[Simeon]] (2:1-4:43), the two and a half eastern tribes (5:1-26), the Levites (6:1-81), and the remaining tribes (7:1-8:40). The Chronicler then lists those who had recently gone to Jerusalem as the first group of returning captives (9:1-34). </p> <p> After dealing very briefly with the reign of Saul (9:35-10:14), the Chronicler deals at length with the reign of David, beginning with David’s rise to power (11:1-12:40). Having been made king, David brought the ark to Jerusalem and began organizing the singing and music that were to characterize public worship in Israel (13:1-16:36). When David said he wanted to build God a temple, God replied that he would build David a dynasty (16:37-17:27). The section closes with stories recalling David’s greatness (18:1-22:1). </p> <p> The final section of the book deals with David’s preparations for the temple that his son Solomon would later build. Having encouraged Solomon for this task (22:2-19), David made detailed arrangements concerning the functioning of the priests and Levites (23:1-26:32). Arrangements for military and civilian leaders are much less detailed (27:1-34). Before his death, David presented the new king to the people (28:1-29:30). </p> <p> '''Contents of 2 Chronicles''' </p> <p> Solomon was a king of great wisdom and wealth (1:1-17). For the Chronicler, however, his chief importance had to do with his construction of the temple in Jerusalem (2:1-7:22). Building programs and clever trading activities contributed further to Solomon’s greatness (8:1-9:31). </p> <p> Although the northern tribes broke away from Jerusalem after Solomon’s death, the Chronicler refused to recognize them as a separate legitimate kingdom. Solomon’s son Rehoboam ruled well as long as he followed the teaching of the Levitical priests, but when he introduced foreign religious practices, God punished him (10:1-13:22). </p> <p> Asa began a reform, but then he also departed from the ways of God (14:1-16:14). It was left to the next king, Jehoshaphat, to restore the nation to the ways of God. [[Priests]] and Levites played an important part in his reform (17:1-20:37). When Jezebel’s [[Baalism]] spread from the north into Judah (21:1-23:21), priests and Levites were again leaders in the reform that got rid of it, the king on this occasion being Joash (24:1-27). </p> <p> The prosperity of Judah under [[Uzziah]] and Jotham was followed by disaster and chaos under Ahaz (25:1-28:27), but Hezekiah then sought to correct matters with wide-sweeping reforms. The Chronicler deals with Hezekiah’s religious reforms at length (29:1-31:21), but discusses his political reforms only briefly (32:1-33). After the evil reigns of Manasseh and Amon (33:1-25), there was a final reform under Josiah. The Chronicler’s emphasis again is on the religious aspects of the reform (34:1-35:27). </p> <p> Babylon’s destruction of Jerusalem and the subsequent captivity are recorded, but with little detail. More important for the Chronicler’s readers are the current realities of release from captivity and return to the homeland (36:1-23). </p>
<p> In the Hebrew Bible the two books of Chronicles form one volume. The writer has not recorded his name, though he has mentioned books and documents from which he gathered his information (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 9:1; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 27:24; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 29:29; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 9:29; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 16:11; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 24:27; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 33:19; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 35:25). His account in some ways parallels the record found in the books of Samuel and Kings, but it is by no means a repetition. The Chronicler wrote for a particular group of people and with a particular purpose in mind. </p> <p> '''Purpose of Chronicles''' </p> <p> During the period covered by 1 and 2 Kings, the [[Israelite]] kingdom divided into two, the northern kingdom being known as Israel, the southern as Judah. When the people of the northern kingdom were taken into captivity by [[Assyria]] (732-722 BC), many became so widely scattered in the [[Assyrian]] [[Empire]] that they largely lost their national identity. When the people of the southern kingdom were taken into captivity by [[Babylon]] (605-582 BC), they remained together in Babylon and retained their national identity. It was people of this latter group who began returning to [[Palestine]] after Persia’s conquest of Babylon in 539 BC. </p> <p> Most of those who returned had never lived in Palestine and knew little of the operations of the Jerusalem temple in the days before its destruction. These were the people for whom the Chronicler wrote. He wanted to give them some background concerning their nation’s history, and especially concerning its religion. He wanted them to realize that they were more than just a lot of migrants returning to the land of their forefathers. They were a continuation of that pre-captivity nation whose political life was based on the Davidic dynasty, and whose religious life was based on the Levitical priesthood. </p> <p> '''Features of Chronicles''' </p> <p> By carefully choosing and arranging his material, the Chronicler impressed upon the released captives the importance of rebuilding their nation according to God’s design. They were not to be led astray by former bad examples. Though he traces the history of the nation from the time of its first king, Saul, to the time of the captivity in Babylon, he mentions Saul only briefly and says little about the northern kingdom. He is concerned almost entirely with the Davidic line of kings who reigned in Jerusalem. </p> <p> The northern kingdom was a breakaway from the God-appointed kingdom of David. Its religion was a rebellion against the true worship of God that was centred on the temple in Jerusalem. The Chronicler’s reason for scarcely mentioning the northern kingdom is that he does not want to interest his readers in its sinful ways. For him, David’s is the only legitimate dynasty, Jerusalem the only legitimate capital, the temple the only legitimate sanctuary, and the Levitical priesthood the only legitimate religious order. </p> <p> In concentrating on the history of the southern kingdom (i.e. the dynasty of David), the Chronicler wants to show what an important part the one and only God-given religion played in the national life of God’s people. For this reason, features of Israel’s religious organization that are omitted from Samuel and Kings are given in great detail in Chronicles. On the other hand, failures of individual Davidic rulers that are found in Samuel and Kings are omitted from Chronicles. </p> <p> The Levites are of particular interest to the Chronicler. [[Whereas]] the writers of Samuel and Kings seldom mention them, the Chronicler speaks of them frequently, showing the important part they played in the nation’s affairs. He wants his readers to see how God intended the Davidic kind of civil administration and the Levitical kind of religious order to function in harmony for the benefit of the nation. </p> <p> '''Contents of 1 Chronicles''' </p> <p> [[Genealogies]] were useful in showing the returning captives how they fitted into God’s plan for the nation. After tracing the origins of Israel (1:1-54), the genealogies deal with the tribes of Judah and [[Simeon]] (2:1-4:43), the two and a half eastern tribes (5:1-26), the Levites (6:1-81), and the remaining tribes (7:1-8:40). The Chronicler then lists those who had recently gone to Jerusalem as the first group of returning captives (9:1-34). </p> <p> After dealing very briefly with the reign of Saul (9:35-10:14), the Chronicler deals at length with the reign of David, beginning with David’s rise to power (11:1-12:40). Having been made king, David brought the ark to Jerusalem and began organizing the singing and music that were to characterize public worship in Israel (13:1-16:36). When David said he wanted to build God a temple, God replied that he would build David a dynasty (16:37-17:27). The section closes with stories recalling David’s greatness (18:1-22:1). </p> <p> The final section of the book deals with David’s preparations for the temple that his son Solomon would later build. Having encouraged Solomon for this task (22:2-19), David made detailed arrangements concerning the functioning of the priests and Levites (23:1-26:32). Arrangements for military and civilian leaders are much less detailed (27:1-34). Before his death, David presented the new king to the people (28:1-29:30). </p> <p> '''Contents of 2 Chronicles''' </p> <p> Solomon was a king of great wisdom and wealth (1:1-17). For the Chronicler, however, his chief importance had to do with his construction of the temple in Jerusalem (2:1-7:22). Building programs and clever trading activities contributed further to Solomon’s greatness (8:1-9:31). </p> <p> Although the northern tribes broke away from Jerusalem after Solomon’s death, the Chronicler refused to recognize them as a separate legitimate kingdom. Solomon’s son Rehoboam ruled well as long as he followed the teaching of the Levitical priests, but when he introduced foreign religious practices, God punished him (10:1-13:22). </p> <p> Asa began a reform, but then he also departed from the ways of God (14:1-16:14). It was left to the next king, Jehoshaphat, to restore the nation to the ways of God. [[Priests]] and Levites played an important part in his reform (17:1-20:37). When Jezebel’s [[Baalism]] spread from the north into Judah (21:1-23:21), priests and Levites were again leaders in the reform that got rid of it, the king on this occasion being Joash (24:1-27). </p> <p> The prosperity of Judah under [[Uzziah]] and Jotham was followed by disaster and chaos under Ahaz (25:1-28:27), but Hezekiah then sought to correct matters with wide-sweeping reforms. The Chronicler deals with Hezekiah’s religious reforms at length (29:1-31:21), but discusses his political reforms only briefly (32:1-33). After the evil reigns of Manasseh and Amon (33:1-25), there was a final reform under Josiah. The Chronicler’s emphasis again is on the religious aspects of the reform (34:1-35:27). </p> <p> Babylon’s destruction of Jerusalem and the subsequent captivity are recorded, but with little detail. More important for the Chronicler’s readers are the current realities of release from captivity and return to the homeland (36:1-23). </p>
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_31110" /> ==
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_31110" /> ==
<li> The remaining chapters of the second book contain the history of the separate kingdom of Judah to the time of the return from [[Babylonian]] Exile. <p> The time of the composition of the Chronicles was, there is every ground to conclude, subsequent to the Babylonian Exile, probably between 450,435 [[B.C.]] The contents of this twofold book, both as to matter and form, correspond closely with this idea. The close of the book records the proclamation of Cyrus permitting the Jews to return to their own land, and this forms the opening passage of the Book of Ezra, which must be viewed as a continuation of the Chronicles. The peculiar form of the language, being Aramaean in its general character, harmonizes also with that of the books which were written after the Exile. The author was certainly contemporary with Zerubbabel, details of whose family history are given (&nbsp; 1 Chronicles 3:19 ). </p> <p> The time of the composition being determined, the question of the authorship may be more easily decided. According to Jewish tradition, which was universally received down to the middle of the seventeenth century, Ezra was regarded as the author of the Chronicles. There are many points of resemblance and of contact between the Chronicles and the Book of Ezra which seem to confirm this opinion. The conclusion of the one and the beginning of the other are almost identical in expression. In their spirit and characteristics they are the same, showing thus also an identity of authorship. </p> <p> In their general scope and design these books are not so much historical as didactic. The principal aim of the writer appears to be to present moral and religious truth. He does not give prominence to political occurences, as is done in Samuel and Kings, but to ecclesiastical institutions. "The genealogies, so uninteresting to most modern readers, were really an important part of the public records of the Hebrew state. They were the basis on which not only the land was distributed and held, but the public services of the temple were arranged and conducted, the Levites and their descendants alone, as is well known, being entitled and first fruits set apart for that purpose." The "Chronicles" are an epitome of the sacred history from the days of Adam down to the return from Babylonian Exile, a period of about 3,500 years. The writer gathers up "the threads of the old national life broken by the Captivity." </p> <p> The sources whence the chronicler compiled his work were public records, registers, and genealogical tables belonging to the Jews. These are referred to in the course of the book (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 27:24; &nbsp;29:29; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 9:29; &nbsp;12:15; &nbsp;13:22; &nbsp;20:34; &nbsp;24:27; &nbsp;26:22; &nbsp;32:32; &nbsp;33:18,19; &nbsp;27:7; &nbsp;35:25 ). There are in Chronicles, and the books of Samuel and Kings, forty parallels, often verbal, proving that the writer both knew and used these records (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 17:18; Compare &nbsp;2 Samuel 7:18-20; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 19; Compare &nbsp;2 Samuel 10 , etc.). </p> <p> As compared with Samuel and Kings, the Book of Chronicles omits many particulars there recorded (&nbsp;2 Samuel 6:20-23; &nbsp;9; &nbsp;11; &nbsp;1419-19 , etc.), and includes many things peculiar to itself (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 12; &nbsp;22; &nbsp;2326-26; &nbsp;27; &nbsp;28; &nbsp;29 , etc.). [[Twenty]] whole chapters, and twenty-four parts of chapters, are occupied with matter not found elsewhere. It also records many things in fuller detail, as (e.g.) the list of David's heroes (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 12:1-37 ), the removal of the ark from Kirjath-jearim to Mount [[Zion]] (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 13; &nbsp;15:2-24; &nbsp;16:4-43; Compare &nbsp;2 Samuel 6 ), Uzziah's leprosy and its cause (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 26:16-21; Compare &nbsp;2 Kings 15:5 ), etc. </p> <p> It has also been observed that another peculiarity of the book is that it substitutes modern and more common expressions for those that had then become unusual or obsolete. This is seen particularly in the substitution of modern names of places, such as were in use in the writer's day, for the old names; thus [[Gezer]] (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 20:4 ) is used instead of [[Gob]] (&nbsp;2 Samuel 21:18 ), etc. </p> <p> The Books of Chronicles are ranked among the <i> Khethubim </i> Or hagiographa. They are alluded to, though not directly quoted, in the New Testament (&nbsp; Hebrews 5:4; &nbsp;Matthew 12:42; &nbsp;23:35; &nbsp;Luke 1:5; &nbsp;11:31,51 ). </p> <div> <p> '''Copyright Statement''' These dictionary topics are from [[M.G.]] Easton [[M.A.,]] [[D.D.,]] Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by [[Thomas]] Nelson, 1897. Public Domain. </p> <p> '''Bibliography Information''' Easton, Matthew George. Entry for 'Chronicles, Books of'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. https://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/eng/ebd/c/chronicles-books-of.html. 1897. </p> </div> </li>
<li> The remaining chapters of the second book contain the history of the separate kingdom of Judah to the time of the return from [[Babylonian]] Exile. <p> The time of the composition of the Chronicles was, there is every ground to conclude, subsequent to the Babylonian Exile, probably between 450,435 B.C. The contents of this twofold book, both as to matter and form, correspond closely with this idea. The close of the book records the proclamation of Cyrus permitting the Jews to return to their own land, and this forms the opening passage of the Book of Ezra, which must be viewed as a continuation of the Chronicles. The peculiar form of the language, being Aramaean in its general character, harmonizes also with that of the books which were written after the Exile. The author was certainly contemporary with Zerubbabel, details of whose family history are given (&nbsp; 1 Chronicles 3:19 ). </p> <p> The time of the composition being determined, the question of the authorship may be more easily decided. According to Jewish tradition, which was universally received down to the middle of the seventeenth century, Ezra was regarded as the author of the Chronicles. There are many points of resemblance and of contact between the Chronicles and the Book of Ezra which seem to confirm this opinion. The conclusion of the one and the beginning of the other are almost identical in expression. In their spirit and characteristics they are the same, showing thus also an identity of authorship. </p> <p> In their general scope and design these books are not so much historical as didactic. The principal aim of the writer appears to be to present moral and religious truth. He does not give prominence to political occurences, as is done in Samuel and Kings, but to ecclesiastical institutions. "The genealogies, so uninteresting to most modern readers, were really an important part of the public records of the Hebrew state. They were the basis on which not only the land was distributed and held, but the public services of the temple were arranged and conducted, the Levites and their descendants alone, as is well known, being entitled and first fruits set apart for that purpose." The "Chronicles" are an epitome of the sacred history from the days of Adam down to the return from Babylonian Exile, a period of about 3,500 years. The writer gathers up "the threads of the old national life broken by the Captivity." </p> <p> The sources whence the chronicler compiled his work were public records, registers, and genealogical tables belonging to the Jews. These are referred to in the course of the book (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 27:24; &nbsp;29:29; &nbsp;2 Chronicles 9:29; &nbsp;12:15; &nbsp;13:22; &nbsp;20:34; &nbsp;24:27; &nbsp;26:22; &nbsp;32:32; &nbsp;33:18,19; &nbsp;27:7; &nbsp;35:25 ). There are in Chronicles, and the books of Samuel and Kings, forty parallels, often verbal, proving that the writer both knew and used these records (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 17:18; Compare &nbsp;2 Samuel 7:18-20; &nbsp;1 Chronicles 19; Compare &nbsp;2 Samuel 10 , etc.). </p> <p> As compared with Samuel and Kings, the Book of Chronicles omits many particulars there recorded (&nbsp;2 Samuel 6:20-23; &nbsp;9; &nbsp;11; &nbsp;1419-19 , etc.), and includes many things peculiar to itself (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 12; &nbsp;22; &nbsp;2326-26; &nbsp;27; &nbsp;28; &nbsp;29 , etc.). [[Twenty]] whole chapters, and twenty-four parts of chapters, are occupied with matter not found elsewhere. It also records many things in fuller detail, as (e.g.) the list of David's heroes (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 12:1-37 ), the removal of the ark from Kirjath-jearim to Mount [[Zion]] (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 13; &nbsp;15:2-24; &nbsp;16:4-43; Compare &nbsp;2 Samuel 6 ), Uzziah's leprosy and its cause (&nbsp;2 Chronicles 26:16-21; Compare &nbsp;2 Kings 15:5 ), etc. </p> <p> It has also been observed that another peculiarity of the book is that it substitutes modern and more common expressions for those that had then become unusual or obsolete. This is seen particularly in the substitution of modern names of places, such as were in use in the writer's day, for the old names; thus [[Gezer]] (&nbsp;1 Chronicles 20:4 ) is used instead of [[Gob]] (&nbsp;2 Samuel 21:18 ), etc. </p> <p> The Books of Chronicles are ranked among the <i> Khethubim </i> Or hagiographa. They are alluded to, though not directly quoted, in the New Testament (&nbsp; Hebrews 5:4; &nbsp;Matthew 12:42; &nbsp;23:35; &nbsp;Luke 1:5; &nbsp;11:31,51 ). </p> <div> <p> '''Copyright Statement''' These dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by [[Thomas]] Nelson, 1897. Public Domain. </p> <p> '''Bibliography Information''' Easton, Matthew George. Entry for 'Chronicles, Books of'. Easton's Bible Dictionary. https://www.studylight.org/dictionaries/eng/ebd/c/chronicles-books-of.html. 1897. </p> </div> </li>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_2188" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_2188" /> ==
==References ==
==References ==