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== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_77504" /> ==
== Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words <ref name="term_77504" /> ==
<div> 1: Πάσχα (Strong'S #3957 — Noun Neuter — pascha — pas'-khah ) </div> <p> mistranslated "Easter" in Acts 12:4 , AV, denotes the [[Passover]] (RV). The phrase "after the Passover" signifies after the whole festival was at an end. The term "Easter" is not of Christian origin. It is another form of Astarte, one of the titles of the [[Chaldean]] goddess, the queen of heaven. The festival of [[Pasch]] held by Christians in post-apostolic times was a continuation of the Jewish feast, but was not instituted by Christ, nor was it connected with Lent. From this Pasch the pagan festival of "Easter" was quite distinct and was introduced into the apostate Western religion, as part of the attempt to adapt pagan festivals to Christianity. See Passover. </p>
<div> &nbsp;1: Πάσχα &nbsp;(Strong'S #3957 — Noun Neuter — pascha — pas'-khah ) </div> <p> mistranslated "Easter" in &nbsp;Acts 12:4 , AV, denotes the [[Passover]] (RV). The phrase "after the Passover" signifies after the whole festival was at an end. The term "Easter" is not of Christian origin. It is another form of Astarte, one of the titles of the [[Chaldean]] goddess, the queen of heaven. The festival of [[Pasch]] held by Christians in post-apostolic times was a continuation of the Jewish feast, but was not instituted by Christ, nor was it connected with Lent. From this Pasch the pagan festival of "Easter" was quite distinct and was introduced into the apostate Western religion, as part of the attempt to adapt pagan festivals to Christianity. See Passover. </p>
== Charles Buck Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_19674" /> ==
== Charles Buck Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_19674" /> ==
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== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_114756" /> ==
== Webster's Dictionary <ref name="term_114756" /> ==
<p> (1): (n.) An annual church festival commemorating Christ's resurrection, and occurring on Sunday, the second day after Good Friday. It corresponds to the pasha or passover of the Jews, and most nations still give it this name under the various forms of pascha, pasque, paque, or pask. </p> <p> (2): (n.) The day on which the festival is observed; Easter day. </p> <p> (3): (v. i.) To veer to the east; - said of the wind. </p>
<p> &nbsp;(1):&nbsp; (n.) An annual church festival commemorating Christ's resurrection, and occurring on Sunday, the second day after Good Friday. It corresponds to the pasha or passover of the Jews, and most nations still give it this name under the various forms of pascha, pasque, paque, or pask. </p> <p> &nbsp;(2):&nbsp; (n.) The day on which the festival is observed; Easter day. </p> <p> &nbsp;(3):&nbsp; (v. i.) To veer to the east; - said of the wind. </p>
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_72311" /> ==
== Smith's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_72311" /> ==
<p> Easter. Acts 12:4. In the earlier English versions, Easter has been frequently used as the translation of pascha, (Passover). In the Authorized Version, Passover was substituted in all passages but this; and in the new Revision, Passover is used here. See [[Passover]]. </p>
<p> &nbsp;Easter. &nbsp;Acts 12:4. In the earlier English versions, Easter has been frequently used as the translation of &nbsp;pascha, (&nbsp;Passover). In the Authorized Version, &nbsp;Passover was substituted in all passages but this; and in the new Revision, &nbsp;Passover is used here. &nbsp;See [[Passover]]&nbsp;. </p>
== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_80605" /> ==
== Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary <ref name="term_80605" /> ==
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== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_50711" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_50711" /> ==
<p> <strong> EASTER </strong> (AV [Note: Authorized Version.] of Acts 12:4; RV [Note: Revised Version.] ‘the Passover’). The anachronism of AV [Note: Authorized Version.] was inherited from older VSS [Note: SS Versions.] which avoided, as far as possible, expressions which could not be understood by the people. </p>
<p> <strong> EASTER </strong> (AV [Note: Authorized Version.] of &nbsp; Acts 12:4; RV [Note: Revised Version.] ‘the Passover’). The anachronism of AV [Note: Authorized Version.] was inherited from older VSS [Note: SS Versions.] which avoided, as far as possible, expressions which could not be understood by the people. </p>
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_15965" /> ==
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_15965" /> ==
<p> Is improperly put for Acts 12:4; Passover being the name of the ancient Jewish festival here referred to; while Easter, from the Saxon goddess Eostre, is the modern name of a Christian festival, in commemoration of the events of Passover-week, and fixed at the same period of the year. </p>
<p> Is improperly put for &nbsp;Acts 12:4; Passover being the name of the ancient Jewish festival here referred to; while Easter, from the Saxon goddess Eostre, is the modern name of a Christian festival, in commemoration of the events of Passover-week, and fixed at the same period of the year. </p>
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_35175" /> ==
== Fausset's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_35175" /> ==
<p> The KJV of pascha (to be translated instead as "the Passover") in Acts 12:4. "Easter" is a Christian feast; the Passover is a Jewish feast. (Ρesach ("Feast of Passover".)) </p>
<p> The KJV of &nbsp;pascha (to be translated instead as "the Passover") in &nbsp;Acts 12:4. "Easter" is a Christian feast; the Passover is a Jewish feast. (&nbsp;Ρesach ("Feast of Passover".)) </p>
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_69991" /> ==
== People's Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_69991" /> ==
<p> Easter, Acts 12:4 (originally the festival of the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eastre), is a mistranslation. It should be, as in the Greek, translated, Passover; the Jewish feast. It is so translated in the R. V. </p>
<p> &nbsp;Easter, &nbsp;Acts 12:4 (originally the festival of the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eastre), is a mistranslation. It should be, as in the Greek, translated, Passover; the Jewish feast. It is so translated in the R. V. </p>
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_59816" /> ==
== King James Dictionary <ref name="term_59816" /> ==
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== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_65898" /> ==
== Morrish Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_65898" /> ==
<p> πάσχα. Simply 'the Passover,' Acts 12:4 , as the word is elsewhere translated. </p>
<p> πάσχα. Simply 'the Passover,' &nbsp;Acts 12:4 , as the word is elsewhere translated. </p>
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_31308" /> ==
== Easton's Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_31308" /> ==
Acts 12:4
&nbsp;Acts 12:4
== Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament <ref name="term_55672" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament <ref name="term_55672" /> ==
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== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_3287" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_3287" /> ==
<p> '''''ēs´tẽr''''' ( πάσχα , <i> '''''páscha''''' </i> , from [[Aramaic]] פסחא , <i> '''''paṣḥā'''''' </i> and Hebrew פסח , <i> '''''peṣaḥ''''' </i> , the Passover festival): The English word comes from the Anglo-Saxon <i> '''''Eastre''''' </i> or <i> '''''Estera''''' </i> , a Teutonic goddess to whom sacrifice was offered in April, so the name was transferred to the paschal feast. The word does not properly occur in Scripture, although the King James Version has it in Acts 12:4 where it stands for Passover, as it is rightly rendered in the Revised Version (British and American). There is no trace of Easter celebration in the New Testament, though some would see an intimation of it in 1 Corinthians 5:7 . The Jewish Christians in the early church continued to celebrate the Passover, regarding Christ as the true paschal lamb, and this naturally passed over into a commemoration of the death and resurrection of our Lord, or an Easter feast. This was preceded by a fast, which was considered by one party as ending at the hour of the crucifixion, i.e. at 3 o'clock on Friday, by another as continuing until the hour of the resurrection before dawn on Easter morning. Differences arose as to the time of the Easter celebration, the Jewish Christians naturally fixing it at the time of the Passover feast which was regulated by the paschal moon. According to this reckoning it began on the evening of the 14th day of the moon of the month of <i> '''''Nı̄ṣān''''' </i> without regard to the day of the week, while the [[Gentile]] Christians identified it with the first day of the week, i.e. the Sunday of the resurrection, irrespective of the day of the month. This latter practice finally prevailed in the church, and those who followed the other reckoning were stigmatized as heretics. But differences arose as to the proper Sunday for the Easter celebration which led to long and bitter controversies. The [[Council]] of Nice, 325 ad, decreed that it should be on Sunday, but did not fix the particular Sunday. It was left to the bishop of [[Alexandria]] to determine, since that city was regarded as the authority in astronomical matters and he was to communicate the result of his determination to the other bishops. But this was not satisfactory, especially to the western churches, and a definite rule for the determination of Easter was needed. By some it was kept as early as March 21, and by others as late as April 25, and others followed dates between. The rule was finally adopted, in the 7th century, to celebrate Easter on the Sunday following the 14th day of the calendar moon which comes on, or after, the vernal equinox which was fixed for March 21. This is not always the astronomical moon, but near enough for practical purposes, and is determined without astronomical calculation by certain intricate rules adopted by ecclesiastical authority. These rules involve the Dominical Letters, or the first seven of the alphabet, representing the days of the week, A standing for the first day of the year and the one on which Sunday falls being called the Dominical for that year. There are also involved the [[Golden]] Numbers and the Epacts, the first being the numbers from 1 to 19, the cycle of the moon when its phases recur on the same days of the year, the first of the cycle being that in which the new moon falls on January 1. The Epacts indicate the moon's age at the beginning of each year. Easter was Thus fixed by these rules, but another difficulty arose when the [[Gregorian]] calendar was adopted in 1582, the difference between it and the Julian being then 10 days. This of course affected the determination of Easter, and its celebration by the Greek church, which has never admitted the Gregorian calendar, occurs usually at a different time from that followed by the western churches. This difference may be as much as five weeks and it may occur as late as April 30, while in the West it cannot occur later than April 25 nor earlier than March 22. Occasionally the two come together but this is rare, since the difference between the two calendars is now 13 days. The Easter feast has been and still is regarded as the greatest in the Christian church, since it commemorates the most important event in the life of its Founder. </p>
<p> '''''ēs´tẽr''''' (&nbsp; πάσχα , <i> '''''páscha''''' </i> , from [[Aramaic]] &nbsp;פסחא , <i> '''''paṣḥā'''''' </i> and Hebrew &nbsp;פסח , <i> '''''peṣaḥ''''' </i> , the Passover festival): The English word comes from the Anglo-Saxon <i> '''''Eastre''''' </i> or <i> '''''Estera''''' </i> , a Teutonic goddess to whom sacrifice was offered in April, so the name was transferred to the paschal feast. The word does not properly occur in Scripture, although the King James Version has it in &nbsp;Acts 12:4 where it stands for Passover, as it is rightly rendered in the Revised Version (British and American). There is no trace of Easter celebration in the New Testament, though some would see an intimation of it in &nbsp; 1 Corinthians 5:7 . The Jewish Christians in the early church continued to celebrate the Passover, regarding Christ as the true paschal lamb, and this naturally passed over into a commemoration of the death and resurrection of our Lord, or an Easter feast. This was preceded by a fast, which was considered by one party as ending at the hour of the crucifixion, i.e. at 3 o'clock on Friday, by another as continuing until the hour of the resurrection before dawn on Easter morning. Differences arose as to the time of the Easter celebration, the Jewish Christians naturally fixing it at the time of the Passover feast which was regulated by the paschal moon. According to this reckoning it began on the evening of the 14th day of the moon of the month of <i> '''''Nı̄ṣān''''' </i> without regard to the day of the week, while the [[Gentile]] Christians identified it with the first day of the week, i.e. the Sunday of the resurrection, irrespective of the day of the month. This latter practice finally prevailed in the church, and those who followed the other reckoning were stigmatized as heretics. But differences arose as to the proper Sunday for the Easter celebration which led to long and bitter controversies. The [[Council]] of Nice, 325 ad, decreed that it should be on Sunday, but did not fix the particular Sunday. It was left to the bishop of [[Alexandria]] to determine, since that city was regarded as the authority in astronomical matters and he was to communicate the result of his determination to the other bishops. But this was not satisfactory, especially to the western churches, and a definite rule for the determination of Easter was needed. By some it was kept as early as March 21, and by others as late as April 25, and others followed dates between. The rule was finally adopted, in the 7th century, to celebrate Easter on the Sunday following the 14th day of the calendar moon which comes on, or after, the vernal equinox which was fixed for March 21. This is not always the astronomical moon, but near enough for practical purposes, and is determined without astronomical calculation by certain intricate rules adopted by ecclesiastical authority. These rules involve the Dominical Letters, or the first seven of the alphabet, representing the days of the week, A standing for the first day of the year and the one on which Sunday falls being called the Dominical for that year. There are also involved the [[Golden]] Numbers and the Epacts, the first being the numbers from 1 to 19, the cycle of the moon when its phases recur on the same days of the year, the first of the cycle being that in which the new moon falls on January 1. The Epacts indicate the moon's age at the beginning of each year. Easter was Thus fixed by these rules, but another difficulty arose when the [[Gregorian]] calendar was adopted in 1582, the difference between it and the Julian being then 10 days. This of course affected the determination of Easter, and its celebration by the Greek church, which has never admitted the Gregorian calendar, occurs usually at a different time from that followed by the western churches. This difference may be as much as five weeks and it may occur as late as April 30, while in the West it cannot occur later than April 25 nor earlier than March 22. Occasionally the two come together but this is rare, since the difference between the two calendars is now 13 days. The Easter feast has been and still is regarded as the greatest in the Christian church, since it commemorates the most important event in the life of its Founder. </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_38423" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_38423" /> ==
<p> (πάσχα , a Greek form of the Hebrews פֵּסִח , and so Latinized by the [[Vulgate]] pascha), i.e., Passover. Easter is a word of Saxon origin, and imports a goddess of the Saxons, or, rather, of the East, Estera, in honor of whom sacrifices being annually offered about the Passover time of the year (spring), the name became attached by association of ideas to the Christian festival of the resurrection, which happened at the time of the Passover: hence we say Easter-day, Easter Sunday,, but very improperly; as we by no means refer the festival then kept to the goddess of the ancient Saxons. So the present German word for Easter Ostern, is referred to the same goddess, Estera or Ostera. — Calmet, s.v. The occurrence of this word in the A.V. of Acts 12:4 — "Intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people" — is chiefly noticeable as an example of the want of consistency in the translators. (See [[Authorized Version]]). In the earlier English versions Easter had been frequently used as the translation of πάσχα . At the last revision Passover was substituted in all passages but this. It would seem from this, and from the use of such words as "robbers of churches" (Acts 19:37), " town-clerk" (Acts 19:35), " sergeants" (Acts 16:35), " deputy" (Acts 13:7, etc.), as if the Acts of the [[Apostles]] had fallen into the hands of a translator who acted on the principle of choosing, not the most correct, but the most familiar equivalents (comp. Trench, On the Authorized Version of the N.T. p. 21). — Smith, s.v. For all that regards the nature and celebration of the feast referred to in Acts 12:4, (See [[Passover]]). </p>
<p> (&nbsp;πάσχα &nbsp;, a Greek form of the Hebrews &nbsp;פֵּסִח &nbsp;, and so Latinized by the [[Vulgate]] &nbsp;pascha), i.e., &nbsp;Passover. Easter is a word of Saxon origin, and imports a goddess of the Saxons, or, rather, of the East, &nbsp;Estera, in honor of whom sacrifices being annually offered about the Passover time of the year (spring), the name became attached by association of ideas to the Christian festival of the resurrection, which happened at the time of the Passover: hence we say &nbsp;Easter-day, Easter Sunday,, but very improperly; as we by no means refer the festival then kept to the goddess of the ancient Saxons. So the present German word for Easter Ostern, is referred to the same goddess, Estera or Ostera. &nbsp;— Calmet, s.v. The occurrence of this word in the A.V. of &nbsp;Acts 12:4 &nbsp;— "Intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people" &nbsp;— is chiefly noticeable as an example of the want of consistency in the translators. (See [[Authorized Version]]). In the earlier English versions Easter had been frequently used as the translation of &nbsp;πάσχα . At the last revision Passover was substituted in all passages but this. It would seem from this, and from the use of such words as "robbers of churches" (&nbsp;Acts 19:37), " town-clerk" (&nbsp;Acts 19:35), " sergeants" (&nbsp;Acts 16:35), " deputy" (&nbsp;Acts 13:7, etc.), as if the Acts of the [[Apostles]] had fallen into the hands of a translator who acted on the principle of choosing, not the most correct, but the most familiar equivalents (comp. Trench, &nbsp;On the Authorized Version of the N.T. p. 21). &nbsp;— Smith, s.v. For all that regards the nature and celebration of the feast referred to in &nbsp;Acts 12:4, (See [[Passover]]). </p>
== The Nuttall Encyclopedia <ref name="term_72624" /> ==
== The Nuttall Encyclopedia <ref name="term_72624" /> ==