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== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_54270" /> ==
== Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible <ref name="term_54270" /> ==
<p> <strong> SUKKIIM </strong> . The name of a tribe led by [[Shishak]] against Judæa ( 2 Chronicles 12:3 ). The identification of the [[Sukkiim]] with the inhabitants of [[Suakin]] is very uncertain. </p>
<p> <strong> SUKKIIM </strong> . The name of a tribe led by [[Shishak]] against Judæa ( 2 Chronicles 12:3 ). The identification of the Sukkiim with the inhabitants of [[Suakin]] is very uncertain. </p>
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_17304" /> ==
== American Tract Society Bible Dictionary <ref name="term_17304" /> ==
<p> [[Allies]] of [[Shishak]] in his invasion of Judah, 2 Chronicles 12:3; probably from region southeast of Egypt. </p>
<p> [[Allies]] of Shishak in his invasion of Judah, 2 Chronicles 12:3; probably from region southeast of Egypt. </p>
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_62337" /> ==
== Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature <ref name="term_62337" /> ==
<p> (Heb. Sukkiyim', סַכַּיַּים, booth-dweller [Gesen.] or inhabitants of Sû k [Fü rst]; Sept. Τρωγλοδύται; Vulg. Troglodyte; A.V. "Sukkiims"), a nation mentioned (2 Chronicles 12:3) with the [[Lubim]] and Cushim as supplying part of the army which came with [[Shishak]] out of [[Egypt]] when he invaded Judah. If the name be Hebrew, it may perhaps be better to suppose them to have been an [[Arab]] tribe like the Scenite than Ethiopians. If it is borne in mind that [[Zerah]] was apparently allied with the Arabs south of [[Palestine]] (See [[Zerah]]); whom we know Shishak to have subdued, (See [[Shishak]]), our conjecture does not seem to be improbable. The [[Sukkiim]] may correspond to some one of the shepherd or wandering races mentioned on the [[Egyptian]] monuments, but we have not found any name in hieroglyphics resembling their name in the Bible, and this somewhat favors the opinion that it is a Shemitic appellation. — Smith. The Sept. and Vulg. render Troglodytes, apparently meaning the [[Ethiopians]] by that name, who lived on the western shore of the [[Arabian]] [[Gulf]] (Strabo, 17, 786), who might have been employed as fleet and light-armed auxiliaries of the [[Egyptians]] (Heliod. Eth. 8, 16). Pliny (6, 34) mentions a Troglodytic city in this direction called Suche (see Bochart, Phaleg, 4, 29). (See [[Ethiopia]]). </p>
<p> (Heb. Sukkiyim', סַכַּיַּים, booth-dweller [Gesen.] or inhabitants of Sû k [Fü rst]; Sept. Τρωγλοδύται; Vulg. Troglodyte; A.V. "Sukkiims"), a nation mentioned (2 Chronicles 12:3) with the Lubim and Cushim as supplying part of the army which came with Shishak out of Egypt when he invaded Judah. If the name be Hebrew, it may perhaps be better to suppose them to have been an [[Arab]] tribe like the Scenite than Ethiopians. If it is borne in mind that [[Zerah]] was apparently allied with the Arabs south of [[Palestine]] (See [[Zerah]]); whom we know Shishak to have subdued, (See [[Shishak]]), our conjecture does not seem to be improbable. The Sukkiim may correspond to some one of the shepherd or wandering races mentioned on the Egyptian monuments, but we have not found any name in hieroglyphics resembling their name in the Bible, and this somewhat favors the opinion that it is a Shemitic appellation. — Smith. The Sept. and Vulg. render Troglodytes, apparently meaning the [[Ethiopians]] by that name, who lived on the western shore of the [[Arabian]] [[Gulf]] (Strabo, 17, 786), who might have been employed as fleet and light-armed auxiliaries of the [[Egyptians]] (Heliod. Eth. 8, 16). Pliny (6, 34) mentions a Troglodytic city in this direction called Suche (see Bochart, Phaleg, 4, 29). (See [[Ethiopia]]). </p>
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_8756" /> ==
== International Standard Bible Encyclopedia <ref name="term_8756" /> ==
<p> ''''' suk´i ''''' - ''''' im ''''' ( סכּיּים , <i> ''''' ṣukkı̄yı̄m ''''' </i> ): [[Named]] in 2 Chronicles 12:3 as a tribe that took part with Libyans and [[Cretans]] in the invasion of [[Judea]] by Shishak. The identification is uncertain. </p>
<p> ''''' suk´i ''''' - ''''' im ''''' ( סכּיּים , <i> ''''' ṣukkı̄yı̄m ''''' </i> ): Named in 2 Chronicles 12:3 as a tribe that took part with Libyans and [[Cretans]] in the invasion of [[Judea]] by Shishak. The identification is uncertain. </p>
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